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Everything was dark and quiet. It was like that for an unknown amount of time. Suddenly a soft voice broke through the silence.


Akira slowly opened her eyes. She looked around, seeing nothing but a blank, white void.

(Talking to herself) What? Where am I?

Hello Akira.

Startled by the unfamiliar voice, Akira quickly turned around. As she did she saw a mysterious figure that was cloaked in light. Sensing her anxiety the figure spoke to her.

It's alright. Don't be afraid. You're in no danger here Akira.

Who are you? How do you know my name? What's going on?

It's understandable that you would have so many questions. But do not worry. Come, walk with me and I will explain everything.

Dispite her reservations about the situation, Akira cautiously followed the figure as they began to walk through the void.

Now, you may ask me anything you wish. Though I suspect you're fist questions will be about where we are and who I am. Am I correct?

Yeah they were definitely at the top of the list.

Very well. To answer your first question, who am I? I go by many names. And people have many different views of who I am. But in short I am the creator of the world.

Wait you mean like a god? But I thought all the gods were long dead. Killed of in a war against each other.

The Creator chuckled a little.

You of all people should know that you can't believe everything you hear. No some of us are still around.

Well just so you know, I think you're doing a pretty shitty job of running things. Have you payed any attention to how the world is?  You don't seem to be doing all that much.

I only have the ability to create life. I cannot control what my creations choose to do with that life. I am sorry but that's just the way things are.

As they spoke,  Akira came to the realization that if she was there. Then could only mean one thing.

Wait a minute, am I dead?

Though she asked, deep down she knew that it must've been the case. After alll she knew full well going in that whoever shut down the portal would die. That was the whole point of insuring that she was the one to do it.

(thinking to herself) Of course I'm dead. What a stupid question. That's the only thing that makes sense.

Akira was pulled out of her thoughts when the Creator responded to what she perceived as a ridiculous question.

Technicly you are in the space between life and death. It has yet to be decided where you will go.

What do you mean? Like a purgatory or something?


They continued to walk.

Hey you said it wasn't decided yet where I'm going right?  So what happens now?

Very astute observations. You always were quite the smart one. That choice is up to you.

Oh you mean the actions I took in life will determine where I spend eternity. So is that where you taking me? To my final judgment?

Not quite. Everything will become clear very soon.

They walked for a bit longer. Finally the Creator stopped.

Look out there. What do you see?

The creator motioned towards a large beautiful, sunny field that seemed to go on forever. It was filled with trees, flowers, streams and all sorts of peaceful creatures all coexisting in harmony.

It's beautiful. I've never seen such a perfect picture of nature.

Yes this is a stunning scene indeed. But keep looking. I believe you'll see something far more interesting than the landscape.

Akira continued to scan the area. Trying to find what the Creator wanted her to see. Then off in the distance she saw what looked like people.

Is that it?

Why don't you get a closer look, and see.

Akira began walking towards the people. As she got closer, the people came into focus. Akira stopped in her tracks as she recognized who the people were. Tears of joy began to fall as Akira saw all her loved one's that she had lost. Her parents, her siblings and even the man who took Akira in after her siblings were killed, Vulcan. They were all there. Safe, happy and waiting for her. Overjoyed to see them again, Akira was about to start running towards them. Before she could move, the creator stopped her.

Hold on, before you go there's something you should know.

Akira wiped away her tears as she gave the Creator a curious look. Wondering what they were talking about.

Just know that if you go to them, you cannot return.

Now Akira was even more confused.


It's quite simple. Because of your actions, you have saved the world. You selflessly sacrificed yourself so others could live.  You Akira truly embody what it means to be a good, kind, noble person. Even dispite all the hardships you faced in life,  you hung on to that goodness inside you. When most others would have let those tragedies blacken their hearts. You didn't. And anyone who can do that is truly a remarkable person. And it's people like you that the world has far too few of. Therefore I will allow you to make the choice. You can stay here in  paradise with all the ones you have lost or you can return to earth and go on living in an imperfect world.

Well when you put it that way why the hell would I even wanna go back. My life sucked and then I died. What is there for me to even go back to.

Come now, it wasn't all bad was it.

Akira paused as she thought for a moment.

(Thinking to herself) Well I guess the past number of months have been better.

Akira began thinking about Nokia and Falco. The ones that she has gotten so close to and loved so much. Even though it had been a relatively short time, the two of them had become so important to Akira. So much so,  that she couldn't picture her life without them. And honestly she didn't want to. Then she realized that by moving on to the other side, she would be leaving them behind. At least until they eventually died. But who knew how long that would be. And obviously Akira wasn't going to wish them dead to get there faster. Akira looked back at her loved ones that were already there and smiled. At that moment she made her decision. She looked back at the Creator and gave a smile that was filled with a mix of joy and sadness.

I know what I wanna do.

The creator read Akira's heart and knew her decision without her needing to say anything.

Very good. It is done.


HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now