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Akira continued on down the road. Walking until she came to a small town. The sun had begun to set, so she decided to see if she could get a room at the inn for the night. Once she had her room, Akira settled in and went to sleep. Soon morning came and Akira was awakened by a knock on the door to her room.

(Half asleep) Yeah?

If you'd like there's breakfast on the table in the main room. Feel free to help yourself.

(Half asleep) Thanks.

Akira stretched as she got out of bed with a yawn. After getting dressed and fully waking up, Akira went out to the main room. After getting her food, she sat at a table by herself, with her back to the door. As she quietly ate,  Akira heard a couple of people enter the inn. They talked and laughed as they went and sat at the table nearest to Akira.

I swear you always seem to meet the oddest people.

I know right?

So what was up with her anyway?

I really have no idea. It was so weird. She does something great and then gets all upset when I give her a compliment. And  then when I suggested traveling to town together. Oh boy. You would've thought I killed her dog or something. I swear there must be something seriously wrong with that woman.

Akira couldn't help but over hear their conversation.

I can hear you.

Akira turned in her chair and saw the young mage that she had encountered earlier and a young man she didn't recognize. The mage girl looked at Akira with a combination of surprise, embarrassment and disappointment on her face.

Oh it's you. What are you doing here?

I could ask you the same thing.

My parents own this inn, so I'm here quiet often. I'm gonna assume you got a room here.

Akira nodded as she took a bite out of her roll. There was an awkward silence as the two sat there glaring at each other. Both annoyed to even be looking at one another. After a moment Nokia huffed as she got up and sat at the furthest table away from Akira. Her friend followed. Akira grumbled to herself as she turned back to her food and went on eating. After a bit Akira finished her meal and was just sitting at her table. She glanced over and saw the mage girl was now sitting by herself. Apparently her friend had left. Akira noticed the young woman look over at her. But after realizing that Akira saw her, she quickly scoffed as she looked away. Akira let out a slightly annoyed sigh as she got up from her seat. She walked over to her table. Nokia looked up at Akira as she approached her.

So about yesterday. I guess I was kinda rude and whatnot. You were being nice and shouldn't have yelled at you like that. So sorry about that.

Thanks I appreciate that. And I suppose I owe you an apology too. I can get a bit over excited sometimes and come off as pushy. I should've respected that you wanted to be left alone when you said it the first time.

It's fine.

There was an awkward moment of silence between them. Finally Nokia spoke up.

Would you like to have a seat? I'll buy you a drink.

I don't know..

I feel bad for getting mad at you like that. Come on let me buy you a drink to make it up to you.

Nokia paused realizing she was being kind of pushy again.

I mean, if you want to.

Akira signed as sat.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now