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A few weeks past since Nokia and Falco helped Akira escape from prison. They all had to keep on the move. With Akira escaping custody, the authorities stepped up their efforts to recapture her. Along with arresting Nokia and Falco for helping Akira. One day they were taking a break from from traveling. They found a nice little secluded spot to rest where hopefully no one would find them.

Hey you guys want something to eat? I saw a little pond a little ways off. Maybe I can catch us some lunch.

Sounds good to me.

Falco got a good sized stick and made himself a fishing pole. After finding some bate, he headed off to pond. Meanwhile Akira was sitting up in a tree,, quietly keeping watch for anyone who might be looking for them. Nokia walked over and stood at the bottom of the tree, looking up at Akira.

Any sign of trouble?

Right now, no.

Well why don't you come down and take a break. This place is pretty out of the way. I think we're good here for a while.

Figuring Nokia was right, after doing one last scan for any danger, Akira climbed down. She  walked around a little as she stretched out.

So have you thought of what we're gonna do yet?

I really don't know. I have no idea where to even begin.

Maybe we can ask around. See if we can get any leads.

You do realize that we can't just go around freely asking if people have seen a bunch of thieves. Especially now that all of us are wanted criminals.

Good point. But couldn't me and Falco just do what you do and keep our identities hidden.

Yes, but you shouldn't have to do that.

We'll do what we have to. What ever it takes to find the truth Akira.

Falco came back. He ran over to Akira and Nokia.

We gotta get out here.

Nokia was going to ask why, but then she saw a group of soldiers running from where Falco had come from. Akira stood up.


Artemis and Zora came flying in. All of them got on and flew off. The soldiers began shooting arrows at them. Trying to take them out of the sky. Luckily Artemis and Zora managed to dodge most of the shots. Artemis let out a loud screech and began flying a little off. Akira looked and saw that her griffin had been hit by an arrow.

Artemis is hit. Nokia, you think you can do anything?

Akira tried to keep the griffin from flying too erratically as Nokia carefully turned around on Artimis' back. She removed the arrow and began healing Artemis. Falco had Zora come right up beside them.

What happened?

Artemis got hit.

She okay?

Nokia's working on her.

I got the arrow out and I'm healing her now. She should be okay.

The arrows kept flying at them.

We should go higher. So the arrows won't reach.

Akira agreed. They began to ascend, when Akira hears Nokia cry out. Akira turns and sees that she's been hit. While still trying to keep Artemis steady, Akira tries to grab onto Nokia. But another arrow flies by and startles Artemis more. The frightened griffin quickly flailed. The motion jarring Akira and Nokia, causing Nokia to slip of Artimis' back. And begin plummeting to the ground.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now