Chapter 2: Anger And Pain

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Kion went to sleep in Priderock. Everyone saw what he did to Zuri and Rani, and almost did to Simba. They were afraid to go in with him.

"Simba, everyone is afraid to go in with Kion," Nala said. "They should be," Everyone saw red eyes glowing in the dark from the cave. "Kion!" Kiara shouted.

Kion came into the moonlight, smirking evilly.

"Hurt them Kion, make them feel your pain!" The voice shouted. Kion growled and lunged at Simba.

Kion pinned Simba to the ground, hard. "Kion! No!" Nala ran to them. Before she got to them, Kion bit into Simba's neck, killing him. "NO!" Nala cried. Kion threw Simba's body off Priderock.

"Who's next," Kion growled. They all backed away in fear. Kion turned to Nala. "Give up your position, and make me king, alone," Kion growled.

Nala refused. Kion roared and pinned her down. He brought his claws to her throat, "Now, give up your position." "Ok, you can be king, and I won't be queen anymore," Nala said, voice shaking. "That's what I thought," Kion got off her.

Kion roared. He walked slowly back and forth, growling at the lionesses. "Run," Kion said threateningly. They all ran, except Rani.

Rani walked up to Kion. "Kion what has gotten into you?" She asked, care in her voice. Kion's red gaze burned through her. He grabbed her scruff.

"Hey let go!" Rani screamed. Kion threw her into the Lion Guard lair, no one else was there. "Don't ever ask that again," Kion growled. Rani backed away in fear.

Kion growled and walked out. Rani tried walking out, but Kion turned around and pinned her, "This is your place now. If you ask about me again, be prepared for pain. If you leave the den, you better get ready for death."

Rani had tears running down her face. She nodded. Kion got off her.

"Make them pay!" The voice said. Kion went into Priderock. The lionesses screamed in fear.

Kion grabbed one of the lionesses throat. He sunk his claws deep. She screamed and tried to fight, but nothing stopped Kion. She fell down, dead. Kion growled at the others, "That is what's going to happen if you dare disobey me!" They nodded. Kion sat at the entrance of the Priderock den, and watched them sleep. He didn't want any of them escaping.

Kion also made sure to have eyes on Rani's cave. Every couple minutes, he would patrol to her cave.

"Give them pain that they can't imagine!" The voice said. Kion growled.

Kion and Rani: The Demon Inside (Book 1 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now