Chapter 10: Training In Secret

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Everytime, Kion, Shomari, Kamili, and Kovu left, Rani and the lionesses trained to be stronger and ready to fight.

Kion walked into Priderock, and the lionesses instantly sat down. Kion looked at them suspiciously.

"What are you guys doing," Kion growled. "Nothing Kion," Rani replied. "I don't like liars!" Kion roared.

"We aren't lieing," Rani replied with confidence. Kion threw a lioness against the wall. "I know you are," Kion roared.

"Sorry Kion, but your wrong," Rani replied. "I will find out what's going on," Kion growled and walked out.

"Good job, now let's continue," Rani said.

Rani went up against Tiifu, "Alright, I'm going to pounce on you, you need to underkick me," Rani instructed. Tiifu nodded.

Rani pounced on Tiifu. She pinned her down. Tiifu used her hind legs, kicked Rani's stomach, and flew her off.

Rani landed on the ground, and groaned in pain. She held her stomach. Tiifu jumped around with joy, "I did it!" She smiled.

"Let's do it again Rani!" Tiifu turned to her. "Rani?" Tiifu asked. Rani was still on the ground, she seemed to be in pain.

Nala ran to Rani. "Rani what's wrong!" Nala shouted. "My stomach," Rani groaned. "Oh no! I kicked her to hard!" Tiifu shouted, "I'm sorry Rani!"

"Tiifu, that's not it," Nala replied. "What?" The lionesses flocked around Rani and Nala.

"Nala?" Rani asked. "Rani, your pregnant," Nala said. "NO!" Rani screamed,"Kill them! Kill them now!"

"What why?" Nala asked. "Because they are Kion's cubs! I don't want cubs with him! KILL THEM!" Rani screamed.

"Rani, I can't. These cubs haven't done anything wrong," Nala replied. "Yes they did, they have Kion as a father," Rani growled. "That isn't their fault is it?" Nala raised an eyebrow.

Rani sighed, "I guess not." "I'm not going to kill them, and neither are you," Nala said. Rani nodded.

"Alright, back to training!" Nala shouted. Rani slowly stood up, but was blindsided by the fact that she was now Kion's mate, and mother to his cubs.

Rani didn't fight the same after that. She always missed, and got hit. She was just to shocked knowing Kion had made her his mate.

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