Chapter 16: Your Cubs

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Kion flew Rani across the cave. There were two cubs standing behind her. They ran to Rani. "Mommy!" Sawa cried. Rani stood up.

Kion growled. Rani walked up to him, "Kion, meet your cubs, Raja and Sawa."

Kion stared at the cubs. Raja walked up to Kion and sniffed his leg. "Dada!" Raja hugged him. Kion shook Raja off him.

"Kion, these are your cubs! Stop hurting them!" Rani shouted. She ran up to Raja and made sure he was OK.

Raja was fine. Rani stood up. "Kion, why are you hurting them?" She asked. Kion only growled. Rani walked up to him.

"Kion, I forgive you for everything you've done. As soon as I pushed you off the gorge, I instantly regretted it. You put me through pain, but I couldn't help but fall in love with you. Why can't I have the old Kion back?" Rani asked.

Kion stared at her in shock. "Please Kion, I don't like what you've become," Rani begged.

"No don't listen to her! You have them all weak. You can kill them!" Kion shut the voice out of his head.

Kion fell to the ground, in pain. "Shut up! I won't listen to you anymore!" Kion roared.

Rani licked his cheek, "It ok Kion, I'm here." Kion looked up at her. He stood up. "Rani, I'm so sorry for what I've done. There was this voice in my head, I couldn't get rid of it," Kion looked down.

"Like I said Kion, I forgive you," Rani smiled. "But why! I killed my sister! Zuri is dead, I killed over half the pride, I killed my dad! And I hurt you!" Kion shouted through tears.

Rani sighed, "Yes, you did do that, but that doesn't mean they aren't still with us." "But I killed them. They must hate me. I'm not going to be with the Great Kings when I die," Kion sighed.

"As long as you make up for your mistakes, you will," Rani replied. "But I can't bring them back to life!" Kion shouted. "No, you can't, just, try doing good things for others," Rani explained.

Kion nodded. Raja and Sawa ran up to them. "This is Raja and this is Sawa," Rani said. Kion smiled.

Kion nuzzled his cubs.

Suddenly, there was a roar at the entrance. Kovu and the other lionesses growled at Kion. "You won't hurt Rani, or the cubs!" Tiifu growled.

"Wait!" Rani ran infront of them. "Rani?" Nala asked. "Kion's good now, he's changed," Rani explained. "You sure?" Sarabi asked. Rani nodded.

Nala ran up to Kion and hugged him, "I've missed you so much!" Sarabi ran up and joined, "We are glad that your back."

"Feels good to be back," Kion smiled.

"Kion, with me no longer queen, Simba is gone, and Kiara, that makes you King," Nala explained.

"What! No!" Kion shouted, "I shouldn't be king after what I've done!" "Ok, you'll have a couple days to decide," Nala replied.

"Thank you," Kion smiled. Rani walked up to Kion and nuzzled him.

Kion and Rani: The Demon Inside (Book 1 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now