Chapter 14: The Cubs Are Coming

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Rani was walking out of Priderock. She felt a small kick in her stomach. But then, the pain got worse. Rani screamed.

Nala ran up to Rani, "C'mon, this way," Nala led her inside Priderock. Rani collapsed to the ground.

"It's ok Rani," Nala said. She gently ran her paw over Rani's stomach, "Tiifu! Dock leaves!" Tiifu ran out.

Rani cried in pain. Tiifu ran in with Dock Leaves. "Set them here," Nala instructed. Tiifu set them by Nala.

Nala gave one to Rani. "These will help you get your milk, and help with the birth," Nala explained. Rani ate the leaves. She screamed again.

"Ok Rani, push," Nala instructed. Rani screamed and cried. A gold cub fell into Nala's arms. She set her by Rani's stomach. Rani gasped, "She has Kion's fur." Nala sighed. Rani screamed again.

Nala felt Rani's stomach, "This is the last one," Nala gave her another Dock Leaf.

"Alright Rani, push," Nala instructed. Rani cried again. A brown cub fell into Nala's arms.

Nala set him by his sister. Rani sighed again, "He has Kion's mane." The little male had a fire red tuft of fur on his head.

Nala put a paw on Rani's shoulder. "I wish Kion could have overcame his evil, but he couldn't," Nala sighed. "Me too," Rani replied.

Rani licked the two little cubs. "What are their names?" Tiifu asked. "Sawa for the golden one, Raja for the brown one," Rani replied. Tiifu smiled and walked away.

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

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(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

(Sawa 1 day old, Sawa means, "Swamp, Same")

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(Raja 1 day old, Raja means, "King")

"I wish you could see our cubs Kion. I know they were forced, but I still love them. And you may have been evil, but you weren't born that way. I still love you Kion, to the Great Kings, and back," Rani wrapped herself around Raja and Sawa. She fell asleep.

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