Chapter 5: A Murder

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Kion growled. He walked out of Priderock. Shomari was on watch. He nodded to Kion.

Kion walked past him to Rani's den. She still layed on the ground. She screamed when she saw Kion. Kion growled and walked to her.

Rani tried to move, but the pain in the stomach wouldn't let her.

"I see your still weak," Kion growled. Rani trembled in fear. Kion stood over her. He took his paw to her throat. "Why are you doing this! I haven't done anything wrong!" Rani cried.

"I can do what I want," Kion growled. Rani tried to push him off her, but she was to weak. Kion sunk his claws deep into her throat, and brought them down her stomach. Rani screamed and cried but nothing changed Kion's mind.

Rani's blood was all over Kion's paws. "And to me sure you don't leave," Kion broke her front arm. "Ahh!" Rani cried in pain.

Kion walked out, Rani's blood on his stomach and arms.

Kion walked back up Priderock. Kovu had Zuri on the ground, covered in blood. He ripped open her stomach. Zuri's body went limp, and she died.

"NO!" Tiifu cried. Kovu walked away. "Don't ever say I'm just like Scar," He growled.

Kiara ran up to Kion, "Kion please this has to stop!" Kiara cried. "You can't tell me what to do!" Kion roared. He pinned her to the ground and bit into her neck, hard. Kiara's eyes closed, and she stopped breathing.

"NO!" Nala screamed. "Anyone else want to play king!" Kion growled. The lionesses backed away, "Good," Kion growled. He started cleaning the blood off him.

Kion and Rani: The Demon Inside (Book 1 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now