Chapter 7: We Need A Plan

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Rani cried in her paws. She wiped away her tears. "I have to do something," She tried to stand, but fell again. She knew she couldn't call for help, otherwise Kion would hear.

Rani knew she would have to tough it out. Rani grunted as she stood up. It was hard balancing on three legs, but she managed after a few tries. Rani started to slowly walk to Rafiki's tree.

Rani finally made it. "Rafiki!" She called. Rafiki looked down, "How did you get away from Kion!" He asked in shock.

"Doesn't matter, I need help," Rani asked. Rafiki jumped down and looked at her broken leg, "Easy, wait here." Rafiki climbed back up his tree, and quickly came down with a stick, and some leaves.

Rafiki placed the stick on Rani's arm, then wrapped it with the leaves. "There," Rafiki said. "Thanks," Rani smiled.

"Anytime," Rafiki replied. "Ok, we need a plan," Rani said. Rafiki nodded. "We need to convince the lionesses to fight against Kion," Rani explained.

"I don't think they will Rani, they are to scared to what he had done to the others," Rafiki replied. "What do you mean?" Rani asked.

"You weren't there?" Rafiki raised an eyebrow. Rani shook her head, "Kion put me in a separate cave."

"Oh well, Kovu killed Zuri, Kion killed Kiara, and almost over half of the lionesses," Rafiki explained. Rani's eye's widened.

"How are we supposed to take him down if the lionesses are to scared?" Rani asked. "I'm not sure," Rafiki replied. Rani growled in frustration.

"Do you know anything about Kion that could help us take him down?" Rani asked. Rafiki thought for a moment, "Kion always attacks first." Rani nodded.

"Alright, let's set up a plan."

Kion and Rani: The Demon Inside (Book 1 Of 2)Where stories live. Discover now