Chapter 5: Near Death Experience

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Wednesday entered the fencing room and watched the students dueling against each other. All the other students were dressed in the traditional white fencing uniforms, but Wednesday was wearing a black one.

He walked down the center of the room, interrupting everyone's practice. (Y/n) paused when she saw him coming and took off her helmet, and so did her fencing partner, Xavier. Wednesday quickly glanced at her, before looking straight ahead.

Wednesday stopped when he saw one student fall to the floor. He took his helmet off and looked over to the coach.

"Coach, Coach she tripped me." He whined.

His opponent, Bianca Barclay removed her helmet and rolled her eyes.

"It was a clean strike Rowan." The coach told the boy.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more you wouldn't suck." Bianca suggested snidely. "Seriously Coach, when am I gonna get some real competition? Anyone else wanna challenge me?"

"I do." Wednesday spoke up.

Bianca turned and smirked at him. "Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in."

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee." Wednesday retorted. "Interesting thing about bees. Pull out their stingers and they drop dead."

The other students 'oohed' at that, and (Y/n) let out a few small giggles.

Bianca glanced at her. "You think that's funny?" She taunted.

(Y/n) smiled and shrugged. "I mean, kinda. Yeah."

Bianca scoffed at her and turned back to Wednesday. "Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy. And I wouldn't stand too close to (Y/n). Normies tend to stink." Bianca smirked at (Y/n), and she glared at her in return.

Wednesday glared at Bianca too. He didn't like her insulting (Y/n).

"Are we doing this or not?" He snapped.

Bianca nodded towards the mat, and Wednesday stepped onto it and faces her. They both pulled their masks on, and raised their swords.

"En garde." The coach announced.

Bianca and Wednesday swung their swords at each other aggressively. Neither one backing down. They clashed and blocked every move, until Wednesday dropped low on his feet and touched Bianca with his sword.

"Point to Wednesday." The coach said.

Wednesday stole a glance at (Y/n) and saw an impressed look on her face, which made him feel confident and cocky.

He rose back on his feet, and he continued to fence with Bianca. The two shuffled back and forth on the mat, and Wednesday went to strike low again, but Bianca dodged and hit his helmet.

"The score is tied."

Wednesday took off his helmet and stared menacingly at Bianca. She took off her own helmet and smirked at him.

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