Chapter 9: The Homicidal Monster

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Enid, Wednesday, and (Y/n) stood by the entrance of the Harvest Festival, surrounded by games, rides, and people.

The three of them were watching Tyler argue with his dad.

"Are you sure you can trust that normie?" Enid asked skeptically.

"I trust that I can handle myself." Wednesday replied.


"I don't want you talking to him, and I want you home by 12:00." Sheriff Galpin ordered.

"1:00." Tyler argued.

"12:30." He said, and walked off.


"Well, good luck, and safe travels." Enid told Wednesday.

She went to give him a hug, but Wednesday stepped back.

"Still not a hugger. Got it." Enid walked off, leaving Wednesday and (Y/n) by themselves.

(Y/n) faced Wednesday. "Well, I guess this is it, huh?"

Wednesday nodded. He was about to say something to her when he noticed someone over her shoulder. Principal Weems was sitting at a picnic table watching him very intently.

Wednesday's eyes widened in anger, realizing that this was gonna be harder then he thought.

"Oh, before I forget, I wanted to give you—."

"Hold my hand." Wednesday demanded.

(Y/n) was completely caught off guard by that. "W-What?"

"Principal Weems is watching. We need to look less suspicious. Hold my hand." He repeated, and held out his hand.

(Y/n) was hesitant, but she placed her hand in his, and he lead her into the festival.


The two approached a dart booth, and Wednesday released (Y/n)'s hand to play. He picked up some darts and threw them, hitting every balloon.

"Jeez. You get any better at this, you'll be taking home a whole pack." Xavier commented as he approached the two.

"Pandas don't travel in packs. They prefer solitude." Wednesday informed him, as he threw another dart.

Xavier chuckled. "Alright. Subtle hint taken."

"Sorry, Xavier." (Y/n) apologized. "We're just waiting for someone, and Wednesday's getting a bit impatient."

"Oh yeah. Who's they lucky guy, or girl?" He asked.

"What does it matter to you?" Wednesday asked, gazing at him from behind (Y/n).

Before Xavier could respond, Tyler appeared behind them. "Didn't mean to interrupt."

Xavier frowned at Tyler. "You're not." He said rather quickly, and walked off.

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