Chapter 8: Confessing Secrets

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Wednesday sat up on the balcony that connected his room to (Y/n) and Enid's room, playing the song 'Paint it Black' on his cello. He stared intensely at the sheet music in front of him, and his fingers moved elegantly along the strings.


Down in a secret room, Rowan snuck down a set of stairs that lead to a dark circular room, with a symbol on the floor, that looked like a flower with a skull in the middle.

He used his telekinesis to pull a book out from a shelf. He opened it until he came to an illustration of a boy that looked very similar to Wednesday, facing off against a pilgrim in the quad of the school.


Tyler was looking through boxes of files in his garage, and finally found what he was looking for. The case file of Gomez Addams.


Sheriff Galpin grabbed a beer from his desk and opened it. He got up and walked over to a board that had information about all the monster attacks that have been happening.


Xavier was out in the quad working on his crow painting, when he heard the music. He paused what he was doing and looked up at the towers of the school.


Ms. Thornhill was feeding a bunch of Venus flytraps when she heard the music. She stopped for a moment and smiled before continuing to feed the plants.


Principal Weems was sitting in her office typing on her computer when she heard the serenade. She stopped typing, and leaned back in her chair, sighing contently.


Wednesday continued to play his cello, and Thing crawled on top of the music stand and turned the page to the end. Wednesday finished the song, and exhaled deeply.

Thing signed something to him.

"No, I don't really feel better. There's just something wrong about this place. Not just because it's a school."

The cobweb window opened and (Y/n) and Enid stepped out onto the balcony.

"I liked your song." (Y/n) complimented.

"How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?" Enid asked.

"I had an extra hand." He told her.

Thing waved at the girls, who just stared back at him.

"Woah." They both said.

"Where's the rest of him?" Enid asked.

"It's one of the great Addams family mysteries."

Thing dropped from the music stand and crawled back inside. I'm the distance, several howls could be heard throughout the air.

Enid's head dropped a bit.

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