Chapter 7: A Bloody Prank

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Lucas's two friends pulled up a giant truck into the school just outside of the building where the dance was taking place.

They got out of the truck, and opened the back to reveal a fire hose. They grabbed it and started unraveling it, and dragged it to an opening in the wall just as Lucas came out.

"Guys, I was thinking, maybe this isn't such a good idea. I don't want my dad to get any blowback, you know?" He reasoned.

One of the guys looked at him like he was crazy. "Dude, you're the whole reason we're doing this! To get revenge on those freaks for nuking Crackstone's fountain!"

"Yeah." The other boy agreed. "Don't tell me you've gone soft like Tyler. Come on, let's go."

Lucas reluctantly agreed, and watched as the boy hooked up the fire hose to the opening.


Eugene was hiding behind a tree, and looking at an insect he caught in a jar, when he saw a vehicle approaching the cave.

He pulled out his recorder and spoke into it. "Eugene Ottinger. 2242 hours. Potential suspect has arrived."

Eugene watched as a figure dressed all in black, snuck to the cave entrance, lit something and then through it inside.

"Oh my god."

A figure ran by Eugene, and shined a flashlight in his face, and ran off, just as the cave exploded, and everything in it was set on fire.

Eugene turned and ran just as the hooded figure ran back to their car.


Bianca was sitting on a bench outside of the ballroom when Wednesday walked out carrying (Y/n) bridal style, after she had complained that her feet hurt from the heels. He sat her down on the bench by Bianca, and (Y/n) took her heels off, to give her feet a break.

"Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer." Wednesday commented, glaring down at (Y/n)'s shoes.

"As my dear mother always says, 'Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman.'"

(Y/n) looked over at her. "Speaking of which, where's Xavier? I didn't see you two on the dance floor."

"We had a little tiff. About you, actually."

(Y/n) looked down awkwardly. "Oh...sorry."

"You don't know what it's like." Bianca said.

(Y/n) furrowed her brows. "Being beautiful and popular?"

"Never knowing people's true feelings." Bianca clarified. "If someone likes me for me."

"What about your amulet?" Wednesday chimed in.

Bianca looked down at her amulet. "It's not foolproof. It's a mild prophylactic, so to speak. That's why Xavier broke up with me. He could never fully trust me. The worst part is a could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You're lucky."

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