——————————🕷️——————————All of Jericho gathered around in the cemetery for Mayor Walker's funeral. Rain was pouring down over everyone, and several people were holding black umbrellas.
"I enjoy funerals."
Wednesday stood amongst the crowd surveying everyone at the funeral. His eyes flickering to (Y/n) a couple...dozen times.
"I've been crashing them since I was old enough to read the obituary section."
Everyone stood around Mayor Walker's coffin that was covered in flowers as a priest read from the Bible.
"Mayor Walker was murdered, and I know the killer is here, standing innocently among us, plotting their next move..."
Wednesday looked to Lucas and Mayor Walker's wife.
"...And watching everything I do."
Wednesday looked to Xavier, who was standing next to (Y/n).
"I know I'm close to the truth. I have all the pieces of the jigsaw. I just need to slot them into place."
Bianca stood across from Lucas and glanced at him, and he glanced back at her as his mother was embraced by Sheriff Galpin.
Ajax pulled Enid close to him, and Xavier wrapped a comforting arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder, which made Wednesday tighten his grip on his umbrella.
"I must look past the tears and masks of grief. Until now, I may have been outmatched and outmaneuvered, but the final gambit has yet to be played."
The crowd started to disperse, and everyone began to go home, but Wednesday didn't move.
"The killer will make a mistake...and I'll be ready."
Wednesday looked to his right and his eyes widened when he saw a tall figure dressed in black with a black fedora on their head. The figure noticed that he saw them, and ran off, Wednesday quickly following.
The figure ran into the woods and Wednesday chased after them, stepping in a watery puddle as he ran. He kept his eyes trained on the figure and watched them slink behind a tree. Wednesday followed, but once he reached the tree he slowed to a stop. The figure had disappeared.
Wednesday remained on high alert and looked around for any sign of the mysterious person. When his back was turned, the figure dropped down behind him. Wednesday was quick to react and pulled a hidden blade from his umbrella and swung at the figure.
The figure grabbed the blade in between his hands, and sent blue electricity down the sword to Wednesday's hand, shocking him. He dropped the blade and looked at the figure in confusion.
"Still as sharp as ever, my little protégé." A voice spoke.
Wednesday smiled, recognizing the voice. "Uncle Fester."
The figure removed his hat to reveal a pale, bald man with dark circles around his eyes. He smiled at Wednesday and let out a small chortle and nodded.

FanfictionMale Wednesday x Female Reader Based on the Netflix TV Series: Wednesday (Y/n) = Your Name (L/n) = Last Name (H/l) = Hair Length (H/c) = Hair Color (E/c) = Eye Color (S/c) = Skin Color (F/c) = Favorite Color I OWN NOTHING!!!