Chapter 5: The Truth

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Pugsley poured syrup over his stack of pancakes, as other parents and kids were lined up at a long table gathering food into their plates.

"Mm. I am famished." Morticia commented.

Wednesday stood at the end of the table with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, for more than one reason, and Moricia noticed.

"You're not hungry, darling?" She asked.

"My appetite eludes me mother. The same way the truth eludes you." Wednesday stormed off, leaving Morticia at the buffet table.

Gomez came up behind her with his own late and leaned close to her ear. "We need to tell him."

Morticia turned to him in disbelief. "He'll never believe us. We must stay strong. And hope that something more morbid comes along to distract him."


Enid sat with her family who all had piles of meat on their plates.

Enid looked over her shoulder and saw Ajax going to sit with his family. He saw Enid and waved at her, and she waved back.

"So, are you gonna make me ask?" Her mother said.

"Ajax and I haven't defined our relationship yet." Enid told her with a smile.

"I'm not talking about boys. Have you wolfed out yet?" She clarified.

Enid frowned and looked down at her plate. She knew this would have come up eventually. "...No..." she admitted.

Enid's mother sighed. "Well, that is a disappointment."

Enid slouched back in her chair. "That's me. A huge disappointment."


(Y/n) sat next to Wednesday at the table picking at the food on her plate.

"You're not eating." Wednesday noticed.

"I can't stop thinking about that fact that my family actually showed up here." She admitted. "I haven't seen or heard anything from them since they dropped me off at the beginning of the semester."

"They're not in the quad are they?" Wednesday asked with disdain, looked around the quad, seeing if they were here.

The girl shook her head. "They'd rather be caught dead then sit with a bunch of outcasts."

"I can arrange that." Wednesday muttered.

"I mean, how could they just show up like this and expect me to want to come home after what they did?" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

Wednesday put a hand on her back and rubbed up and down. "'re not going to go with them?"

"Well, I don't want to, but if they want me to come back they might try and find a way to force me to." She explained. "I just...I can't go back to that life, I can't...I won't!" She declared, burying her face in her hands.

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