Chapter 4: Looking for Clues

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Wednesday, (Y/n), Eugene, and Enid we're at the beekeepers shed, and Enid was dressed in a beekeepers outfit as a decoy.

"Now remember, if Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word." Wednesday instructed.

"Payback is gonna be a bitch." Enid warned him.

"I'd expect nothing less." Wednesday said, and turned to Eugene. "Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb."

"Snitches get stung. It's hive code. Besides, I should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed. Other than bees." Eugene admitted excitedly.

"Shocking." Wednesday replied.

Eugene glanced at Enid. "I've always had a thing for werewolf chicks."

"The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1%. Same goes for (Y/n)." Wednesday told him.

"So, I've still got a shot? Yes!" Eugene exclaimed.

Wednesday just rolled his eyes and turned to (Y/n). "Let's go." He said.

"Thanks Enid. I owe you one." (Y/n) hugged Enid and quickly followed after Wednesday.

"Your damn right you do!" Enid called after her.


Wednesday and (Y/n) hiked through the woods looking for evidence of Rowan's death when they heard snapping sounds behind them.

They quickly turned towards the noise, just as (Y/n) let out a loud gasp. Wednesday quickly covered her mouth with his hand, and his other arms wrapped around her waist and held her against his chest to quiet her.

Someone came up behind Wednesday and grabbed the back of his blazer and pulled him back behind a tree, just as Sheriff Galpin walked by with his dog.

The person who had grabbed Wednesday wwas Tyler. The three of them stood still and didn't speak until the sheriff was gone, and Tyler released him.

"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your scents." Tyler apologized.

Wednesday took his hand off (Y/n)'s mouth. "Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asked.

Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out some coffee grounds.

"Coffee grounds."

"Deer hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista." Tyler explained.

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch." Wednesday guessed.

"He doesn't tell me shit. You must think it's weird I'm stalking him." Tyler realized.

"No, I've occasionally had the urge to stalk people." Wednesday admitted, quickly glancing at (Y/n), who didn't notice.

"Um...Wednesday? can let me go now." She reminded him.

Wednesday realized he was still holding her and quickly released her.

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