Chapter 5: Stalking

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Xavier frantically picked up his phone as he walked to his private art studio. He dialed a number and held the phone up to his ear.

", I need to talk to,, right now...Yeah, I know where that is...Okay, I can meet you there in like, 20 minutes...Okay, bye."

Xavier ended the call and turned around to find Wednesday staring at him.

"Who are you talking to?" Wednesday asked.

"It's none of your goddamn business." Xavier snapped.

Wednesday smirked. "I know what you are, Xavier."

"Can you just stay the hell away from me?" Xavier walked past Wednesday, and stormed off into his studio.


A few moments later, Xavier pedaled away from his studio on his bike, and Wednesday and Uncle Fester hid behind a tree and watched him leave.

"Did you place the tracker?" Wednesday asked.

Fester handed him a device. "Don't worry. Uncle Fester's got you covered."

Wednesday looked at a screen that had a moving red dot that showed where Xavier was going.

"Okay. Let's hit the road."


Fester pulled back a sheet to reveal a motorcycle and a side car that was painted like a Dalmatian. Wednesday stared at his uncle in disbelief.

"What? I picked it up on my way out of town. You know me. I like to travel incognito."

Fester picked up two helmets with Dalmatian spots and ears and tossed one to Wednesday.

Fester out his one and turned to Wednesday. "Come on, let's roll!"


Wednesday's ears flapped in the wind as he sat in the side car of the motorcycle. He held the tracker and gestured for Uncle Fester to make a left. He did, and then they came to a stop a few moments later.

Wednesday and Fester his behind some trees. Wednesday pulled out a spyglass and watched from a distance as Xavier rode his bike up to a car, and Dr. Kinbott stepped out.

"Hey, what's so urgent? What happened?" She asked.

"I had a dream where you died." Xavier confessed.

Dr. Kinbott scoffed. "Get in the car."

The two climbed into Kinbott's car and started talking. Wednesday lowered his spyglass and his eyes widened.


Next thing he knew, Wednesday was storming into Principal Weems's office.

"Principal Weems, it is imperative I speak with you about Dr. Kinbott." He demanded.

Weems smiled at him. "Wednesday. We were just talking about you."

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