Chapter 3: A Cold Trail

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Wednesday threw his blazer back on, as he ran to catch Rowan before he hopped into a car to be taken to the train station.

"Rowan! We need to talk."

"Wednesday, I'm not allowed to talk to anyone." Rowan told him, putting his stuff in the car.

"You had a lot to say the other night when yo I tried to kill me and (Y/n). You told me I was destined to destroy the school, and hurt (Y/n). Remember? Where did you get that drawing?" He interrogated.

"I just went into the woods to clear my head. Then you came after me."

Ms. Thornhill approached the car. "Wednesday. You shouldn't be here." She warned.

"Yeah, back off, and leave me alone." Rowan hissed, and he climbed into the passenger seat with Ms. Thornhill.

Just as the car started driving away, Thing hopped on the back.


Unfortunately, Thing didn't have much luck. He had trailed Rowan to the train station, but lost him in the bathroom. He made it back to Nevermore and was informing Wednesday on the situation while he was in the greenhouse.

"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" Wednesday whispered lowly to Thing, who was hiding behind a potted plant.

Thing shrugged.

"A lefty wouldn't have failed me." Wednesday snapped.

Thing sulked at that comment.

"Don't sulk. Now I'm going to have to find new evidence myself, since you're the one who lost our only lead."

Bianca looked over and noticed Wednesday seemingly talking to a plant.

"I see you finally made a friend. Even if it is a plant." Bianca mocked.

Wednesday gave her a look. "I go for quality over quantity."

Bianca rolled her eyes and went to sit down. Wednesday walked over to the desks, and stood between the desk Bianca was sitting at, and the desk that (Y/n) and Xavier were sitting at.

Xavier was drawing a picture of a spider in his sketchbook, when he looked up and saw Wednesday standing there.

"There's an open spot next to me. If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." He remarked.

Wednesday hesitantly sat down on Xavier's left, while (Y/n) sat on Xavier's right. Wednesday couldn't help but wish he was sitting next to (Y/n) instead.

Xavier waved his hand over his sketchbook, and suddenly, the spider he was drawing came to life, and started crawling around the desk.

"I doubt Wednesday and (Y/n) are impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Ms. Thornhill commented.

Xavier nudged (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Admit it, you're a little impressed." He said, shooting her a smile.

(Y/n) lightly shrugged and nodded, admitting that it was impressive.

Wednesday saw her reaction and glared down at the spider as it crawled over to him. He slammed his hand down on it, reducing it to charcoal dust.

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