Shut out

479 18 4

Usually on the weekends, Seungmin would get something in his stomach and then glue himself on his study to finish up the pending assignments and sometimes get extra researching done for his upcoming classes. Well, this Saturday is no different.

It came as a surprise to him when he learned from the Mrs. Yoon that his brother did not come home yesterday and is also absent today. Apparently, Chan informed them that he would only be at the mansion on weekdays since he has to wrap up extra work for the rest of the week.

Seungmin thinks his brother just wants to get away from them. He unconsciously clenched his jaw at the thought of Chan disregarding Minho, like the latter is just some task he checked off his list for the week. This 'keeping distance' is not something new to Seungmin but he expected his brother to be less of a douchebag to someone else.

"Young sir," came a gentle, deep voice, followed by two consecutive knocks. Seungmin recognised it as signatures of one of the male butlers, Wonwoo.


"Dinner has already been served. Please come down for your meal," informed the butler.

Seungmin blinked and searched for the time. It was already seven in the evening. Time sure flew by fast when you are engrossed in something. He had requested to be left alone to work on his assignments and only be called for dinner. It was a bit hard to persuade Mrs. Yoon to let him off but she relented after he pulled his best pleading look. That look always worked on Hyunjin.

"Okay, I'm coming! You can go down first, Wonwoo-ssi!"

"I will wait for you, young sir."

Gosh, Seungmin hurriedly tidy his desk and padded to the door. He was still not use to have so many people attending him like this.

"Is Minho-ssi home?"

Seungmin has not seen Minho since he woke up. He had expected the older to come down for breakfast but until an hour after he finished the last gulp of his coffee, busying himself with making small talks with the maids, there was still no telltale signs of Minho joining him any time soon.

"Yes. Young master is in his study," Wonwoo informed and stopped a few steps away from Seungmin's seat, declining the younger's offer to take a seat with him. "I eat in our quarters, young sir."

Nodding, Seungmin then asked if Minho has eaten dinner yet, still not touching the meal served before him. Wonwoo shook his head, "Jisung-ssi mentioned young master has something important that needs his attention."

"He's been working since morning?" Seungmin frowned, and pursed his lips when the butler just gave an affirmation. "Let me call him."

"I do not think young master–" Wonwoo's hand dropped back to his side as he failed to prevent Seungmin from padding out of the dining hall, voice quieting towards the end. "...would like that."

If Seungmin had not been solely thinking of Minho skipping meals. If Seungmin had not been too hopeful for reciprocation after last night's interaction. If Seungmin had just listened to what Wonwoo had tried to tell him, he would not be in this....unpleasant situation right now.

"Did I say you can barge in here? You think you can just do whatever you want just because of some legal documents?" somehow, Seungmin is more worried of the crumpled paper in Minho's hand rather than the razor sharp glare directed at him as well as the equally sharp tone. "Know your place, Kim Seungmin. Get out."

Those words are laced with glass shards of shattered momentum and tipped over jar of frustrations that Seungmin knows well. Interrupting anyone who is working nonstop for almost the entire day to achieve completion, in time for the deadline, can easily rile them up. With that reasoning in mind, Seungmin willed himself to offer a smile, albeit not reaching his eyes.

"I'll have Mrs. Yoon send you refreshments. I'm sorry for interrupting."

Not trusting himself to maintain his composure if he hears what Minho have to say to that, Seungmin quickly close the door and make his way back to the dining hall. He smiled at Mrs. Yoon as he took his seat again. The image of a messy haired Minho with sleeves sloppily pushed up to his elbows, and droopy yet straining eyes, filled his mind as he relayed his request.

"Please prepare some fruits and coffee to Minho-ssi's preference."

He made sure to have a decent amount of food in his own stomach before excusing himself to his room. If Seungmin had paid more attention to his surrounding, he could have caught the concern eyes of the head maid and the young butler following him until he disappeared up the stairs.

Instead, he was chuckling wetly to himself, eyes blurring as he grasped the handle to his bedroom door, so much for not eating alone.


It's just that I like it lalala–

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