Snowdrops but You

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Seungmin feels the urge to keep distance from Minho. What happened last night does dimmed the spark of his determination in making this marriage worthwhile for both of them, no matter if only by a little. That much he shared with his best friend when they stopped by to get coffee after visiting Seungmin's birth mother.

And he still feels that urge by the time he walked up the pathway from the gate. He had refused being driven by Hojun, another one of the Lee's chauffeur, and went by taxi. It was a good decision, as he could take his time strolling among the scenery.

The pathway is a long one considering the distance of the mansion from the gate and Seungmin let his mind wander off as his eyes trailed the floras decorating the area. They still awed him, how they bloom so beautifully like he was visiting one of the Seoul gardens.

When he reached closer to the side of the mansion, Seungmin caught a glimpse of black amongst white and he strayed from the path, curious as to what it could be. There is what seems to be a shed further back, where they store gardening tools and in the middle, there is a bunch of pretty whites littered on neat greens.

Like shattered glasses of tipped over frustration jar.

"You're hurt but you don't want to act on it," Hyunjin had flatly stated, an unimpressed stare directed at the younger who was fidgeting with the straw. "Why are you even Kim Seungmin-ing this when that person's being an asshole to you, gosh you're testing my precious twin braincells."

"Minho-ssi was finalising his project. Jisung-ssi said it's a really big project and he skipped meals so of course I can't just let him function with an empty stomach..." he had rambled in response, pouting towards the end as he was reminded once again of the ruffled hair of Minho, the older's pale face, the dark rings under his eyes, the–

Hyunjin exhaled obnoxiously loud then, "There you go zoning out on me again. You shouldn't let this slide just because he has the face, Seungminie."

"I gave you my objective assumption and objective intervention," he had argued, maybe weakly, maybe not.

Delicate touch caressing the patterns on small leaves, delicate gaze tracing the curves of white petals, and a delicate smile meant for no eyes to catch, that Seungmin witnessed blooming mesmerisingly. A gush of wind ruffled the soft black locks and tickled the tender cheeks pink.

Under the golden stream of the late afternoon light and surrounded by the sea of white snowdrops, Seungmin watches Minho glows.

"Still! He said mean things, he hurts your feelings, Seungmin," Hyunjin had caught his wrist and rested their hands on the table so Seungmin could stop crumpling the tip of the straw. "He might have a pretty face but his attitude is shit. You're roped into this as much as he is. And it's only what? Your second day together? And you were being con-si-de-rate."

"That's like a cherry on top for being a Rude, which makes no sense for you to be okay with what the Rude disappointingly did, so soon," Hyunjin then crossed his arms with an exasperated disgusted expression.

He recalled he had yielded, shoulders sagging in defeat, "Okay, fine. I get what you're trying to say, you can chill on the judgments."

It is not a promise. Seungmin is hurt about last night. But objectively speaking, the human brain sees beauty as rewarding so was it his fault for failing to tear his eyes away from the most beautiful creation that happened to be his own spouse?

Was it his fault that he has his heart melts from the overwhelming warmth he has never felt before just by seeing Minho smile?

Seungmin clenched his fists, eyes softening at the knowledge that he can't not want to see his husband. That he can't stay away from his husband. That he indeed had willingly planted the seed of yearning and wants to nurture it.

He wants to make them work.

It's foreign, it's something he never thought he would be concerned with. Yet, he does not mind the unfamiliarity; the unfamiliar route his feelings chose to take.

Seungmin exhaled slow and quiet. His own lips curved up into a smile at the way Minho's eyes turned into crescents as he twirled the flower in between his fingers, before continuing on his way inside.

For now, he decided he has no right to disturb a beauty's sanctuary.


Seungmin: I think every meeting and parting leads to a destiny, everyone, when was your first love?
Seungmin: For me, it's this moment.

Yes, I am a prisoner in a jail named Kim Seungmin.

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