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"please don't do this to me.." y/n said begging yeji. "no y/n i have important work to do i can't go to shopping with you I'm sorry." Yeji said while pushing y/n away from her. "But you promised.." she whined at her place "you can go with Jiwo." Y/n shook her head as a no "no Jiwo has a bad fashion sense." Yeji sighed and said "y/n I'm sorry I can't i have really important meeting." Y/n gave up and went towards the sofa.

She sat down while crossing her arms over her chest. Yeji said "hey don't be angry with me I'm telling you this work is important." "I didn't say anything." Y/n said, rolling her eyes, "I'll do shopping on my own." Yeji chuckled, "Yes, be mature, don't depend on anyone." "Blah blah.." y/n said and ran towards her room.

Tomorrow is the event for which Taehyung had invited both of them. But y/n don't have any dresses to wear that's why yeji and her decide to go shopping. But at the end of the day yeji got important work or someone else gave it to her intentionally?


After getting ready to go out

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After getting ready to go out. Y/n ran downstairs and completely ignored yeji. "Y/n listen.." She didn't stop her steps and went out of the house. "What does she think of herself?" Y/n whispered to herself. "Is work more important than me? I hate you yeji.."

She book a cab for her and went towards the mall

Time skips..

Here y/n was looking at the clothes but didn't find anything. "Gosh what should I do?" She asked herself if she gave up and went towards the ice cream corner. After taking her favorite flavor strawberry she sat down on the chair with a pout while blaming her life. Out of nowhere she flinches when someone taps her shoulder. She looked back and found the unexpected person.

Kim taehyung

He smiles to her y/n immediately stands up and bows to him. "Hey.." he said she got a Little panicked. After all he is Yeji's boss and don't forget the mafia. "Come on, don't be formal all the time.." he said and smiled sweetly. Y/n smile back and nodded "you looking beautiful.." she blushed hearing his words "thank you." "Well what are you doing here all alone?"

He asked both of them to sit down and say "oh actually remember there is an event tomorrow from your side so i don't have any dress i asked yeji to come with me but at the last moment she got an important work. That's why I came here alone.." in the end she pouted like a baby. Taehyung chuckled hearing her answer "where is your boyfriend?"

"Oh Jiwo he doesn't have any fashion sense he even get bored that's why i didn't even ask him." She said and started to lick her ice cream. She doesn't even know that this action of her turned taehyung on. 

For her it's the normal way to eat an icecream but for him it was such a turn on. He took a deep breath and looked away. "Well I can help you.." she looked at him and there was cream over her lips. Out of nowhere Taehyung brought his hand up and wiped it. Y/n eyes widened she pulled back a little taehyung to know she isn't comfortable. That's why he asked again. "I can help you to choose the outfit?"

She nodded and got up "yea okay so from where should we start?" "Let's go to the Gucci store." She thought it would be expensive but she didn't stop him as he had already left. She ran behind him "so what kind of dress do you want?" He asked to enter the Gucci store.

Everyone bowed to him y/n was kinda taken back why tf they behaving like this? She shrugged all her thoughts and answered "mm i don't know maybe simple and elegant?" He nodded and a girl in her 20s came towards them and smiled "hello Mr Kim and mam what would you like to see?"

"Show us the best product of yours doesn't matter the price as usual." She nodded and walked back to bring the outfits. "Ugh what you know I'm not that rich as you are right so." "Don't worry I'll pay." Her eyes widen "no wait i can't."

"Why aren't we friends now aren't we? We spend a lot of time together."

He looked deep in her eyes and she forgot how to speak. He smiled and brought her hand to caress her hair "come on let me pay for it i would love to." "But it's to exp-" "doesn't matter." "How will I pay you back?" He chuckled and said "just be friends with me, that's it." 

She smiles "you're so kind but still-" before she could say that the girl came again with so many different elegant dresses. "Go and try." He gently pushed her. She get nervous "gosh why did I said yes? It's all new for me."

Time skips..

"What the hell.." y/n scream made taehyung worried he quickly walked inside the changing room. Found her struggling to open the zip. Both of their eyes widened. her dress was falling from her shoulder, her half back was exposed. She was just looking breathtaking.

"Oh my god Mr Kim." She said and covered herself "at least ask me before coming inside." He looked away and said "I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I thought something bad happened I'm sorry." He apologized for that but he still didn't leave the place. "Will you leave please? And send that lady inside to help me." He shook his head and nodded "yea yea I'm sorry forget this." He immediately left her side. 

Her heart was still beating at a fast rate "oh my god Mr Kim what you did to me?" 


Sorry for late update i was kinda sick :(

To be continue.. <3

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