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Jungsu felt like an idiot waiting outside of Jiseok's class, as if he were a lovesick girl preparing to confess to her crush. It felt like it — because Jungsu wanted to make a move on Jiseok. He was tired of feeling like a pathetic pile of jelly every time Jiseok spoke or even looked at him. It was tiring enough for him to finally admit to Jiseok how he felt.

Some time passed before Jiseok finally exited the class. He spotted Jungsu, grinning as he made his way over to the blonde boy. "Jungsu, what a surprise. Waiting for someone?"

Jungsu pressed his lips together, nervousness finally taking over. He froze in place, his mind going blank. He didn't know what to say, despite practicing it all night. His heart was rushing in his chest, and it truly felt like he was about to die. "J-Jiseok, I... u-uhm, I... wanted to, uhm, t-tell you th-that I, uhh..."

Jiseok reached for his wrist, gently holding it with a concerned look in his eyes. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse? Your face is red — do you have a fev—"

"G-go out with me after school."

Jungsu wanted to run away and bury himself in a hole. He hid his face in his hands, his ears still peeking through as burning red. Jiseok was quiet, still processing what had just happened. "H-huh?"

Jungsu strung together as much courage as he could, revealing his face to the other. He fiddled with his fingers, pressing his lips together. "I... want to hang out alone today. With you. T-together. Alone. J... just the two of us."

"Hang out? But we do that all the time...?"

"Idiot, I want to take you on a date."

Jiseok's face flushed red, a sound of surprise escaping his lips. Both were blushing messes, even if Jungsu had gained the slightest bit of courage by finally getting his words out. "Jungsu, I didn't know you... felt that way..."

Jungsu cleared his throat, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I-it's just that... I like... being with you. So go out with me."

"Why, because you like being with me? How assertive," Jiseok giggled, holding his arms behind his back. "Sure. I'll go out with you — on one condition." Jungsu frowned slightly, wondering what Jiseok could want from him. "Promise to hold my hand?"

He was far too adorable.

"Y-yes! Of course! I-if that's what you want, then sure...!"

Jiseok held his hand out, and the blonde boy carefully took it in his own, intertwining their fingers. Jiseok felt his cheeks turn red, but he held a confident smile on his face. Jungsu pressed his eyes together as he laughed. It was somehow embarrassing, even if it was exactly what he wanted to do.

And just like that the two would embark on their first date.

Hyeongjun stopped scrolling on Instagram, his eyes falling on a picture Jungsu had posted. It was a selfie of himself with Jiseok, sides pressed together as their heads touched. He felt himself glaring at the photo, so he quickly locked his phone and put it to the side.

"Why do you look so pouty?" Seungmin sat down beside him, quickly balancing himself before he nearly fell off the barstool. It made Hyeongjun smile slightly. "Did something happen?"

"... Jungsu and Jiseok are on a d-date."

"What the f— are you sure?" Seungmin widened his eyes, quickly reaching for Hyeongjun's phone. He held the phone to his face to unlock it before staring at the Instagram post in front of him in shock. "Even the caption... they're really on a date."

"Seungmin, what do I do...?"

Hyeongjun looked helpless for a moment, and Seungmin knew exactly why. He pressed his lips together, raising a hand and gently patting Hyeongjun's back. "Should've acted sooner."

"B-but we're just friends!" Hyeongjun exclaimed weakly, his tone falling apart. "Jungsu—"

"— is with someone else right now, unfortunately," Seungmin said quickly, interrupting the other's rambling. "Hyeongjun, I told you that your inability to act on your feelings is going to backfire. Watching two potential partners waltz off together. I actually feel sorry for you."

"... one potential partner..."

"Well, not anymore, because they're on a date together."

"Stop reminding me," Hyeongjun complained, putting his head against the counter. He sighed heavily, glancing up slightly at the other. "I... kind of liked it — the feeling of having a crush. He makes me happy, and has delivered a sense of acceptance and love that I haven't felt for a long time."

Seungmin nodded in understanding, rubbing his back gently. "I get it. But seeing as he's run off without you..."

"I'll move on," Hyeongjun said suddenly, his voice filled with determination. "I'm sure the crush will go away, right? I'll wake up tomorrow and have no feelings for him."

"You've been saying that for weeks."


Seungmin laughed, shaking his head. "Ah, you never fail to make me laugh. I'm willing to help you. I'll conduct a plan and you just sit here and wait for him to come back for you, okay? I won't let him take away your crush."

"Seungmin, there's no need—"

"I said I'll be the one to date Jiseok — didn't I?" Seungmin held a determined glint in his eyes. Hyeongjun knew it was too late to stop him, so he simply sighed as he lowered his head. "So you just keep sitting here, looking pretty and poised — and I'll make sure you get to tell him how you feel before they form a relationship."

"Y-yah! I can't just tell him how I feel, are you crazy?!" he asked with a weakly fierce tone. It didn't work, of course, because Hyeongjun naturally sounded pathetic.

"I'm serious, Hyeongjun," the other said quickly. "You're our sweet, inexperienced boy. It's about time you kissed some boys!"

"You're one to say, you've been masking as a straight boy and shipping your friends!"

"Well, am I right or not?!"

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