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Jiseok wondered why Jungsu avoided him for the entire day, feeling as if he had somehow done something wrong. Jungsu barely made eye contact with him, not even meeting with him during lunch like they usually did. Did he do something wrong? Was their date a fail? Did Jiseok let something slip and completely forget because he was idiot? Perhaps, but he didn't think that was the case completely.

So why was Jungsu avoiding him?

Jiseok was still in thought over this as he arrived at Starlight, pushing the door open with a heavy heart. Hyeongjun sat at the farthest end with his skateboard in his, fiddling with the wheels with a screwdriver. They met eyes, and Jiseok felt a cold stare in return. What had he done wrong? As he opened his mouth to greet Hyeongjun, the other quickly picked his things up and went to the breakroom, presumably locking the door behind him.

There was no one familiar around. Jiseok felt empty. He saw Gunil — one of the staff members — sitting behind the reception desk with his phone in hand. He knew the entire friend group always spoke to Gunil, so he most likely knew something. Despite not speaking to him often, Jiseok somehow felt comfortable around him as well.

He stopped in front of the older male, catching his eye immediately. He dipped his head in greeting, and the older invited him around the counter. "Something wrong, Jiseok-ah?"

"Did Hyeongjun... talk to you recently?" Jiseok asked, sitting on the barstool beside him. "He's been avoiding me — and so has Jungsu. I don't know if I did something wrong."

Gunil was quiet for a moment before sighing. "I don't know why they haven't told you yet because I encouraged them both to tell you the dilemma happening between them right now. I'm kind of the mediator between them, and because I believe it to be the right call, I'm going to tell you."

Jiseok waited impatiently, sitting nearly at the edge of his seat. "Yes?"

"Hyeongjun... has liked Jungsu for the longest time," Gunil began, earning a look of shock from Jiseok, "but they had a little... talk about it recently. Effectively, Jungsu rejected him in favour of you. The thing is, Jungsu has told me that he's still a mess because of it and didn't want to talk to you just yet. Honestly, it's really childish, but you're all still high schoolers, and I can't expect too much of you."

"So... I ruined their friendship?"

"Hyeongjun doesn't want a friendship," Gunil explained, "so that factor isn't your fault. The broken friendship is their thing — you did nothing except go on a date with the guy that's single. I think it's unfair for Hyeongjun to ignore you, but acting selfishly is the best thing he can do right now. He's protecting his heart, which is something he should've done a long time ago. He's developing emotionally by putting himself first."

Jiseok nodded in understanding, crossing his arms in thought. "In that case, I'll give him his space. But I also want to talk to him..."

"Best to leave him alone for now," Gunil advised, shaking his head. "Hyeongjun becomes very sensitive when he's emotional, and may say things he doesn't mean. Give him some time because it's more than likely that he'd be crying a lot these days."

"It's not my intention, though."

"Well, he doesn't see that." Jiseok deflated in defeat, not knowing what to do. "I suggest letting them speak things through, or let them talk to you first. Give them time."

Jiseok nodded, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "I feel really bad for getting in between them. Hyeongjun doesn't deserve any of this. I think I should break things off with Jungsu if things are going to end up like this..."

"But it's not your fault — you shouldn't have to break things off when you're not the one that caused any of this," Gunil said. "It may seem like you're the problem, but the main situation is that Hyeongjun is in love with his best friend, but his friend only sees him as such — just a friend. Jungsu didn't reject him because he liked you — he friendzoned Hyeongjun."

"... yeah, but... wouldn't Hyeongjun have a chance with me out of the pict—"

"Jiseok, you're not listening," Gunil said firmly. "Jungsu friendzoned him. You hear? Friend. Zone. He doesn't like Hyeongjun like that — and as unfortunate as that is, that's what the situation amounted to. It's not your fault, so don't think it is. Jungsu likes you, and Hyeongjun likes Jungsu. You, on the other hand... I'm not too sure about. Do you like Jungsu?"

Jiseok was quiet for a moment. "Not after what happened..."

"Sort yourself out too," Gunil advised. "You youngsters break your hearts so easily. Things are temporary at this age. I'd actually suggest not dating Jungsu. He's in a complicated place right now, and being with someone while he's in emotional warfare with his best friend is... not wise. But then again, I'm just the assistant at a skate park — what do I know?"

The older one stood up, gently patting Jiseok's shoulder before walking off. Jiseok sat in thought, contemplating what he had just heard. Even with Gunil's encouragement, he still felt mildly responsible for what happened between the two friends. He sighed helplessly, putting his head against the counter.

"Come on — let's go."

Jiseok lifted his head in confusion, meeting eyes with a slightly enthusiastic Seungmin. "What the heck, when did you get here—?"

"Doesn't matter, let's go," Seungmin said. "I know you'll feel awkward here. It feels tense already. I'll take you out to let off some steam."

Jiseok frowned as Seungmin grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the chair and pulling him into his chest. Jiseok yelped, a clear blush forming over his cheeks. "W-what are you talking ab—"

"Let's go on a date."

"A date?! What are you on about?! I thought you hated dates! Let go of my hand!"

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