twenty six

247 22 4

Jungsu ran to Jiseok's class, his phone clutched in his hand. He stopped, realising that Jiseok was not in the class and looked around frantically. He spotted Jiseok and Jooyeon walking to their class and quickly scurried over to them. "Seungmin got into a fight at school."

"What the fuck?!" Jiseok was shocked as Jungsu hurriedly unlocked his phone to show him a video one of his friends sent him. In the video was Seungmin, clearly brawling with someone else in the video and violently pushing him against the lockers as he threw his fists. Jiseok felt sick in his stomach, looking away from the screen about halfway through the video.

"Seungmin told me he's going to get into a fight, I can't believe he actually did it," Jungsu said, his tone rather excited. "He said he didn't mind getting in trouble for the sake of this and he had been planning this for a while."

"Yeah, but a fight?" Jiseok asked, crossing his arms. "Feels a little unnecessary. Who was he fighting in the video, anyway? I thought a group of girls were bullying Hyeongjun."

"One of the girls' boyfriends, I think," Jungsu answered unsurely. "To be fair, Seungmin always felt a little guilty about the fact that he couldn't really help Hyeongjun whenever they did something to him. He wasn't the only person they were bullying, he just got it the worst because he had come out as queer — well, he was outed by them."

Jiseok looked over at Jooyeon, and the other nodded despite not communicating. "See you later."

Jiseok turned to Jungsu as Jooyeon left them to talk. The corridor had grown quiet, leaving the two and only a few other students littered across the hallway. Jungsu was curious, sensing that Jiseok was about to tell him something big. "Seungmin and I fought this morning."

"He hit you?!"

"No, wha—?! Jungsu, listen," Jiseok sighed, shaking his head. "We, uhm... how do I say this... right. I lost my virginity to him last night—"

"What the actual fuck?! You two had sex—?!"

"Jungsu, shut up!" Jiseok quickly covered his mouth with his hand, shushing the other. "Yeah, we fucked. And it was really good. Want more details?" Jungsu hurriedly shook his head, fear in his eyes at the sheer thought. "Are you sure? Because the way he held me and kissed me all over—"

"Stop it, stop it, stop it! Fine, I'll shut up!" Jungsu exclaimed, covering his ears with a childish pout. "I'm still a little shocked. Why did you fight, then?"

"Seems like he regretted it a little, and I took it too far," Jiseok sighed, crossing his arms. "I don't know if I did anything wrong, but he suddenly started speaking about the fact that we got together so soon and just... had intercourse already. I didn't see anything wrong with it, and I thought he'd want to... break up or take a break — or something like that. I got scared, so I panicked and left him this morning."

"Kwak Jiseok, you fucking idiot."

"I know~! I was crying earlier, I already regret it," Jiseok pouted, putting his head into his hands. "I already miss him. I want to apologise and tell him I'm sorry and hug him and kiss him and—"

"I get it, you're in love," Jungsu rolled his eyes. "But that argument this morning probably fueled his anger for the fight. At least he let off some steam."

Jiseok sighed again, leaning against the wall with a heavy expression. "Maybe we shouldn't have slept  together. Now that I think about it, I regret it a little, too. I thought it would be a bonding experience, but it only pulled us apart."

"I doubt it pulled you apart, Jiseok," Jungsu said with a smile. "Maybe he's having second thoughts, but I don't think he'd necessarily regret sleeping with you. You both enjoyed it, right? And you both consented? And at the end of the day, you felt loved, right."

"... yes...?"

"Well, then I don't think there's anything to regret," Jungsu quipped, his smile broadening into a grin. "Don't sweat it. Let him think things through. Sure, he's a little anger-motivated right now, but I don't think he'll hurt you by saying he regretted showing you how much he loves you."

"You think so?"

"I know so. So give him a call and talk with him. I'm sure he'd love to hear your voice right now."

"Seriously? Getting into fights at school?! Seungmin, you're 19 years old already, why are you doing such childish things?!"

Seungmin remained silent, not wanting to talk back to his mother while his anger was still mellowing down. She sighed heavily before talking with the principal again, saying something along the lines of a profuse apology that Seungmin knew was just to get his punishment reduced.

"Seungmin," the principal began as he crossed his arms in front of him on top of his desk, "may I ask why the fight broke out between yourself and Ryuhan?"

Seungmin was quiet, clearing his throat before he began speaking. "His girlfriend, uhm... Hyeseon... was bullying Han Hyeongjun alongside her friends because he's autistic."

The principal's expression relaxed slightly. "I see. And you fought with him?"

"He started first—"

"Fights are not tolerated here, no matter who started first," the principal said, shaking his head. "I can see the reasoning behind it, however. I see your point. Bullying isn't tolerated at all, either — especially regarding those from the special ed classes. Han Hyeongjun is with the special education class, is he not?"

Seungmin nodded, still looking down. "Yes, Sir."

"Look up at me, Seungmin."

Seungmin looked into the man's gentle yet somehow stern eyes. "Sorry, Sir."

"I'd like to thank you for explaining the situation to me, because Ryuhan factually flipped you off and called you stupid instead of explaining things to me — that Hyeseon girl has always been trouble, however." The principal stood up, fixing his suit. "I'm afraid I have to send you home for the day, as I did with Ryuhan. Fighting and bullying are not tolerated. We will bring Han Hyeongjun and Joo Hyeseon into the office as well to discuss matters further. Would you like to stay as well?"

"No, I'll take him home—"

"I'll stay." Seungmin looked up at his mother with apologetic eyes. "I need to see the situation through and give my input as a witness."

"Very well, we'll sort this situation out today," the principal nodded. "You may wait outside the office. Don't start any more fights in the lobby, please."

Seungmin chuckled as he stood up. "I'll try."

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