twenty seven

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"... Seungmin, I...—"

"It's okay. It's not your fault, baby."

"I-I'm so sorry, Seungmin, I... I'm such an idiot. I should've just listened instead of assuming stupid shit. I just... I don't want to lose you—"

"Idiot, you'll never lose me. I said well be together for a long time, okay?"

"I was worried that you regretted doing what we did. Do you regret it?"

"Do I have to be honest?"

"... yes..."

"I do regret it a little, yes." Silence followed before Jiseok sniffled a little. "But... the more I think about it, the more I'm glad that I got to share such a special moment with you. Yeah, it happened while we're still young and reckless, but we were conscious enough to do it with minimal regrets. I love that I had that opportunity with you — okay? You can stop crying now."

"I c-can't, I thought you h-hated me...!"

Seungmin sighed, letting out a small laugh. "I'll see you after school, okay? It's Friday, so... I was thinking that maybe I could spend the night with you? Just a suggestion."

Jiseok sniffled, letting out a muffled sound of agreement. "I just miss you right now."

"You don't need to cry, baby. I'll see you later."

"Okay... I love you."

"Love you too, Jiseokie."

"So you're definitely in trouble with your family, then?"

Seungmin shook his head, breaking apart a potato pancake with his chopsticks before dipping it in ssamjang. "I explained everything to my mom and she just yelled about the fact that I shouldn't resort to fighting when it comes to this kind of thing. I'm fine, though, although my reputation has been ruined a little. Not that I had one, anyway."

Jiseok hummed, following the same sequence of actions as Seungmin. "So you planned this fight for a while, huh? I didn't know you had it in you to start fights."

"Hyeongjun didn't want me to fight, despite me telling him multiple times that I'm going to fuck up whoever was hurting him," Seungmin said, covering his mouth as he let out a soft burp. "It worked and Hyeseon is receiving a disciplinary hearing for disrespect and mistreatment of special needs students. She's going to hell and getting suspended. Good riddance, honestly."

"Well, that's good to hear." Jiseok groaned as he put his chopsticks down, patting his belly happily. "I'm so full. We should clean up and shower."

Seungmin nodded, finishing up the last of his jeon and setting his chopsticks down as well. "I'm using the bathroom quickly, just give me a moment."

Jiseok hummed, his eyes following the taller for a moment. "You want to sleep separately or together?"

"Together. I think you need it."

Jiseok nodded, leaning back on his hands in thought. He and Seungmin hadn't discussed the taller's apparent concerns when it came to their relationship, but as long as they knew that they were fine, it didn't bother Jiseok too much. He wanted to make it clear that Seungmin could speak to him, but he didn't want to press anything out of him either.

He wanted them to take their time from there onwards but welcomed any sudden rushes regardless.

The two found themselves in the living room on the couch once they had showered for the night. Jiseok snuggled beside Seungmin, pressing continuously on the remote as they struggled to find something to watch. "What do we watch?"

"Put anything on because we're going to be making out anyways," Seungmin responded, not even looking up from his phone as he spoke. Jiseok's cheeks flushed red at the rather bold statement, clearing his throat as he finally found a movie for the two to watch. "Oh, my mom watched this last night."

"Well, you said to put anything on," Jiseok muttered, still bright red from Seungmin's confidence. He wanted to be confident as well, biting his lips together as he reached for Seungmin's hand, interlocking their fingers gently. "You're just excited because my parents aren't here."

"Aren't I allowed to be excited?"

"I guess you are..."

Seungmin reached up, gently running a hand through Jiseok's hair. "Well, then let me be excited."

Seungmin tugged at Jiseok's hand, beckoning him forward. Jiseok looked up at him, feeling slightly intimidated by Seungmin's demands as the taller patted his lap for him to sit on. Jiseok sat on his lap, hands placed on either side of Seungmin's shoulders. Seungmin had his head tilted, lips barely grazing against Jiseok's.

"Stop teasing me..."

"I'm not teasing you." The lilt in Seungmin's voice annoyed him somehow, and he wanted nothing more than for their lips to make fated contact, delivering the bliss he so desired. Seungmin held his waist, thumbs gently rubbing against the sensitive skin of his lower abdomen. "You're so pretty like this, you know?"

"It's all for you," Jiseok spoke softly, breath wispy against Seungmin's lips. "You don't even know how obsessed I am with you, Seungmin."

"Is that a good or bad thing...?"

Instead of answering, Jiseok gently pressed their lips together. Seungmin responded positively by pulling Jiseok closer by his waist, causing movement over his lower body. Seungmin lowered his right hand to Jiseok's thigh, grabbing harshly as their kiss grew hotter and more passionate.

Seungmin pulled from the kiss, gently biting down on Jiseok's lower lip. "I think I'll feel more comfortable doing it the second time."

"Are you sure? I want to be careful this time."

Seungmin's hand slipped further down, his fingers slipping past the hem of his shorts teasingly. "Jiseok, we can do whatever you want, okay? What do you want from me, hm?"


Seungmin smiled, messily pressing their lips together in heated kisses. "I want to make you scream, just like the first time. I'm not going to hold back. I'll never hold back."

Jiseok felt weak in his legs already from hearing Seungmin's promises. He nodded, excitement building up as he wanted nothing more than for Seungmin to take him — just like the first time. He hoped the second time was more comfortable and filled with significantly fewer regrets.

He knew they'd be okay.

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