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[ jumpscare warning lol ]

"What to do, what to do...?"

Jiseok held his milkshake to Seungmin's lips, and the other took a gingerly sip, frowning at the sudden sweet taste. "Wow, that's awful."

"How dare you insult my style of milkshake? You and your boring green grape ade," Jiseok scoffed, raising his nose in the air. "But anyways, I'm so glad I get to spend my free time with someone other than Jooyeon. He's got a boyfriend now, and he won't stop talking about him. It's fair enough, though, because I won't stop talking about you."

"You talk about me to your friends?"

Jiseok nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Should I stop?"

"I mean, if you're saying good things, then I guess it's fine."

Jiseok giggled slightly. "I keep telling them how much I like you."

"Funny, because I keep telling my friends how much I like you."

Jiseok looked away, a blush spreading over his cheeks. He clenched his hands, clearing his throat as he prepared for an inevitable moment. "S-Seungmin, we've... known each other for... quite some time now, and..."

"No, let me ask it," Seungmin said quickly, shaking his head. "I clearly have deeper feelings than you, so I'll be the one to ask that important question."

The two stopped walking, pausing their steps in the middle of the pathway. The light shining through trees surrounding them gave everything a pretty glow — Jiseok found Seungmin to be most beautiful at that moment. "Seungmin..."

"Kwak Jiseok," Seungmin began dramatically, causing Jiseok to break character and laugh loudly, "I have fallen since the moment I laid my eye upon thee. Sweet and fair, beautiful and gorgeous — I bestow upon thee the honour of being my boyfriend. Do you accept?"

"You're such an idiot," Jiseok laughed, nodding his head. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend, you giant idiot."

Seungmin grinned, putting his arms around Jiseok's waist, while the shorter pulled Seungmin closer by the neck. Their eyes closed naturally as their lips met in a soft, tender kiss. Jiseok felt Seungmin's hand on his waist, tugging him closer as the kiss deepened. Heads tilted to grant more access, and the two shared their first kiss as a couple.

They didn't want to let go, but they were quickly brought to reality at the realisation that they were in a public space. Jiseok pulled away first, hiding his face from the other by looking down. Seungmin didn't feel as shy as before, taking Jiseok's hand into his own and tugging him forward. "Want to head somewhere more secluded?"

"Are we really—?"

"Yes, we are."

Jungsu turned the lock of the breakroom, enclosing the two within the confined space. Jungsu took Hyeongjun's hand, pushing him against the wall and planting their lips together. The other was surprised, of course, unaware of what he should be doing with his hands. He very hesitantly put his hands to Jungsu's waist, confidently pulling him forward.

Jungsu tilted his head, lips parted as he and Hyeongjun shared a moment of passionate warmth. Hyeongjun pulled away, breath heavy with eyes fixated on the boy in front of him. "You're so pretty like this..."

"If you call me pretty while I feel like this, it won't lead anywhere good, Jjunnie."

Jungsu messily kissed him again, head tilted in excitement as he put a hand to Hyeongjun's neck to pull him closer. Jungsu giggled against his lips, causing the other to frown. "Well, how do you feel if it's so dangerous?"

"You know exactly how I feel right now."

"Feeling good?"


Hyeongjun chuckled against his lips, tilting his head slightly. "Well, I don't think I should be calling you pretty if it makes you that excited."

"No, but... I'm your pretty boy, aren't I?" Jungsu asked, lips trailing down Hyeongjun's cheek and chin towards his neck. "Call me your pretty boy. Please..."

Hyeongjun's body tensed up, and he quickly put a hand to Jungsu's arm. "N-no, wait, I'm— I'm nervous..."

"Nervous? Of what? We're not going to do anything weird," Jungsu told him softly. "We're going to walk the line, that's all. Push the limit until it becomes too dangerous. Just tell me when it goes too far."

Hyeongjun's cheeks were burning red, excitement flowing everywhere it shouldn't. "N-not my neck, maybe..."

Jungsu nodded, moving back upwards to press kisses to his lips. "Fair enough. What would you like me to do, Jjunnie?"

Hyeongjun couldn't piece together a coherent sentence, stuttering out words before inhaling sharply to control his heightened emotions. "M-maybe... I don't know, uhm... I don't know what we could explore that wouldn't be a step too far..."

Jungsu hummed, swopping their positions so that he stood against the wall. He took off his hoodie, tossing it to the side as he revealed his neck to the other. "Give me my first hickey from you."

"Wha— Jungsu, I can't do something like tha—"

"You know, you're extremely pretty right now," Jungsu said softly, eyes barely gazing at the other, "and I'm challenging you to test your comfort zone. I won't get in trouble, I swear. I trust you, Jjunnie. You trust me, right?"

Hyeongjun gulped as Jungsu put a hand to his cheek, slowly leaning forward to press their lips together warmly. Hyeongjun returned the embrace as an affirmation to Jungsu's question. As he pulled away, his lips trailed lower until they reached the crook of his neck.

Jungsu closed his eyes, his body relaxed as Hyeongjun gently bit and sucked at his skin. His hand desperately gripped his hoodie, heart rushing with excitement as Hyeongjun made small little marks of love on his skin.

"D-don't forget to tell me w-when you're uncomfortable..." Jungsu assured softly, earning an absent-minded nod from the other. Jungsu bit his lips together, gasping as Hyeongjun put a cold hand to his bare waist, hand slipped under his shirt as he kissed lower and lower to his collarbone.

Jungsu released a soft noise of pleasure, quickly causing Hyeongjun to pull away. He avoided eye contact with the other, gazing down shyly. "Yeah, I think... that's enough."

Jungsu was panting heavily, shutting his eyes in embarrassment. "Sorry for that, I just... lost a bit of myself for a moment. You... you did well, baby. Did you enjoy giving me hickeys?"

"Shut up, stop babying me," Hyeongjun complained. "Regardless... yeah, I kind of enjoyed it. It's the first time we did anything of... this nature, but if you'd let me do it again..."

"Baby, you have permission to do it whenever you feel comfortable enough to do it," Jungsu chuckled, their noses gently touching. "I'm always ready to express my love — I'm just waiting for you."

Hyeongjun didn't know how to say that he was ready a long time ago.

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