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Jiseok debated whether he should have agreed to meet Seungmin at almost 10 at night, seeing as it was far too cold to do anything at that hour. He held his arms to his chest, eyes brightening as he saw the tall stature of his boyfriend. The thought made his stomach turn happily, a giddy smile on his face.

The two reached one another midway through the park, naturally meeting in a lazy hug. "Any reason you wanted to meet up?"

"I'm bored."

"Seungmin, we have school tomorrow-"

Seungmin groaned playfully, squeezing Jiseok's head to his chest. "I don't go to school with you, so I almost never see you apart from at the park. Let me see you more often, my beautiful boy."

Jiseok simply smiled, hugging the other as well. "Fine. I'll stay with you."

The two had their moment of silence, walking beside one another, arms linked as they basked in each other's warmth. "Jungsu hasn't been to the park in a while."

"I noticed, but I still see him at school," Jiseok hummed in thought. "I wonder why he doesn't come to us after school. Does he still see Hyeongjun because he's with us all day?"

"Jungsu... got in trouble at home," Seungmin said with a hum. "He came home with hickeys one day and was leaving late at night - to see Hyeongjun, of course. They found problems with his behaviour and disciplined him. He has to go straight home."

"Oh... that's terrible."

"Well, he's getting hickeys from our seemingly not-so-innocent Hyeongjunnie," Seungmin chuckled. "Do think that he was capable of such things... Jungsu definitely had a play in it."

"I disagree - Hyeongjun liked him for a while, so maybe he was prepared to take this risk," Jiseok told him, shaking his head.

"Maybe - but now they're both suffering the consequences of their... desire, should I say," Seungmin said, moving his hand dramatically as if to accentuate his words. "They'll figure something out. Jungsu wasn't one for rules, anyways, and preferred to do what he feels most comfortable doing. Some may regard him as a bad influence of sorts, but I think it's nice that he stays to his true self."

"His true self being that he is entitled to receive hickeys from his boyfriend?"


Jiseok simply laughed in response, leaning into the other's arm. "Okay, I see. As long as Jungsu and Hyeongjun figure out a way to see one another, our group dynamic won't be affected, I think."

Seungmin put his head against Jiseok's, smiling at the feeling of his almost familiar warmth. They were still getting used to being a couple, seeing as they were merely good friends when Jiseok first arrived. The casual flirting had become real - they were actually dating. Jiseok had a boyfriend. It made him extremely happy to think about it.

"I'm glad it's you," Seungmin muttered suddenly, slowing down his walking. They stopped, staring at each other for a moment. "I'm just... I'm so happy it's you. You're definitely my one. It just... feels right to be with you."

Jiseok delivered a smile to the other, hands naturally drifting to Seungmin's. "I'm glad it's you, too."

Seungmin smiled, leaning closer to the other. "Can I kiss you?"

"Of course, silly."

Their lips gently pressed together, heads tilted as they kissed one another warmly. The air was filled with sheer joy and happiness, cheeks red with blush and hearts thumping with love. Seungmin held Jiseok's waist while the other had his arms around his neck.

They pulled away simultaneously, giggling in their happy mood. Seungmin hugged the other tightly, holding him to his body to share their warmth. "I really like you, Jiseok. We'll be together for a long time - okay?"

Jiseok nodded, putting his head to Seungmin's shoulder. "Okay."

"You should stop sneaking out."

"How else am I supposed to see you, Jjunnie?"

Jungsu managed to climb through Hyeongjun's bedroom window - which was pretty easy, seeing as Hyeongjun's bedroom was on the first floor of his home. Hyeongjun closed the window behind him, hands shaking almost nervously. "Jungsu, if we get into trouble because you're coming to see me-"

"Hyeongjun, relax," Jungsu chuckled, taking the other's hand. "I'll return soon, okay? I just... want to be with you for a bit longer. I don't enjoy video calling at all. How am I supposed to kiss your pretty face?"

"Jungsu, I appreciate that, but your parents-"

"- are full of shit, so don't worry about them," Jungsu interrupted, rolling his eyes in annoyance. "I miss you - a lot. I miss being with you. So give me a chance to be with you. I'm your boyfriend, Hyeongjun."

Hyeongjun couldn't deny those eyes - those eyes that he had fallen into so deeply. Jungsu's were suggestive, but Hyeongjun was hesitant. Jungsu took Hyeongjun's hand as a silent way of convincing him to stay, and it partially worked. Hyeongjun gave a small nod, and the other smiled brightly.

Hyeongjun felt Jungsu guide him to the bed, and for a moment, he was worried, but Jungsu pulled him down, and they just held one another warmly. Jungsu had his head on Hyeongjun's chest, an arm wrapped around his waist as they lied with one another in silence.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you all the time," Jungsu murmured, causing Hyeongjun to frown in confusion. "I just... found meaning in romantic feelings with you. You were my best friend, and our feelings grew. I'm... more attached to you now, and I think I'm allowed to be clingy, right?"

"I don't mind it - it's my dream to be this close with you," Hyeongjun began, "but your parents don't know that you're dating me. They probably still think we're best friends, right?"

Jungsu was quiet for a bit. "Wait, then you can still visit me regularly. They don't know we're dating. Then again, they don't want anyone visiting me while I'm grounded."

"I told you we shouldn't have done what we did..."

"I don't care about them, Jjunnie," Jungsu sighed, snuggling into the other's side. "I just want to be happy for once in my life. I... I need you more than anything, okay? Just let me stay by your side for a while longer."

Hyeongjun allowed the other to snuggle unto him, holding one another tightly. "Just don't fall asleep."

"Heh - I won't."

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