twenty two

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"See you later, you two!"

Mrs Kwak closed the door behind her, leaving the couple on their own together at Jiseok's house. The two sat on the living room couch, glancing down at their phones before turning to each other to pay attention to each other. "What do we do?" Seungmin asked, turning to face the other.

"Whatever you want," Jiseok smiled, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "We better do whatever we want before Grandma comes over."

"Well, what are you suggesting we do?"

Jiseok stood up from the sofa, taking Seungmin's hand in his own. Seungmin followed after him, heart beating with a certain type of excitement he wasn't sure if he was allowed to feel. Jiseok held him close, guiding Seungmin all the way to his bedroom. Jiseok closed the door behind them, gently pushing Seungmin to the wall.

"J-Jiseok, wha—"

"Just kiss me already."

Despite his shock, Seungmin leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a heated mess. Jiseok's eyes closed naturally, sighing as Seungmin held his waist with one hand and tugged him closer. The shorter tilted his head, silently urging Seungmin to do more.

"Don't be shy," Jiseok spoke against his lips, his gaze felt with the purest desire. Seungmin couldn't resist, gently biting down on Jiseok's plump lower lip. Jiseok let out a soft whine, taking Seungmin's hand suddenly and pulling him to the bed.

He pushed the taller down, catching Seungmin off guard for a moment but was immediately distracted by the feeling of their lips touching in their own sweet passion. Jiseok grabbed Seungmin's wrist, guiding his hand to his waist once more.

Seungmin lied flat on the bed, both hands slipped under Jiseok's shirt and holding onto his skin gingerly. Jiseok paused for a moment to gather his breath, staring down at Seungmin with a hazy gaze. Seungmin's grip increased, eyes closed as Jiseok moved above him. "Don't do that..."

"I want to do it."

"It's dangerous..."

"... I know."

Jiseok put his forearms at either side of Seungmin's head, leaning forward and hotly kissing his lips. Tongues fought as saliva was messily exchanged, skin becoming more sensitive as Seungmin's touching persisted. Jiseok's soft whines drove Seungmin insane, his silent begging for him not to stop filling his heart.

He couldn't and wouldn't stop.

"Jiseok," Seungmin uttered — his voice was somehow deeper and raspier, "I need to stop. If I don't, we're going to do something we'll both regret."

"It's fine, I won't regret it."

"Jiseok, you don't understand the weight of what you want to do," Seungmin said, carefully raising his body. "Come on. We're old enough to do this, but... we can also realise that this will change everything forever."

"Then let's change everything," Jiseok confirmed quickly. He stopped, wondering if Seungmin could hear how his heart was beating in his chest. He bit his lips together nervously, becoming worried as Seungmin sighed heavily. "Seungmin..."

"I won't hold back."

Jiseok frowned in confusion as Seungmin quickly swapped their positions so that he was lying on the bed. He carefully positioned himself between Jiseok's legs, hands pinning the other's wrists to the bed. The black-haired boy grew more excited with each passing second, anticipating what was about to happen.

"Should I hold back — to be safe?" Seungmin asked softly, their lips barely lingering above each other. Jiseok desperately wanted to kiss him, but Seungmin remained teasingly out of reach with every attempt at an embrace. "I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to make any decisions for the both of us. I mean... I don't mind doing it at this point, but I'd rather be 100% sure than do someone that we'll both regret."

"I won't regret anything with you," Jiseok whispered, his excitement still heightening with every second. "Do whatever you want to me. I won't regret it, I swear."

"Regret isn't the point anymore," Seungmin muttered, tilting Jiseok's head upwards by his chin. "It's whether or not you'll enjoy it."

Gunil stared down at his phone — it was nearing closing time. The park was practically empty because Kazuha had already gone home, leaving Gunil to close up everything to mark the end of the day. He heard footsteps near the furthest funbox and looked up, wondering if anyone was still at the park, but it was only Hajun.

"I told you I'll close up for the night," Hajun called out, smiling as he neared the younger. "You can head home, Gunil-ah."

"I'm here anyways, so I might as well," Gunil replied, pocketing his phone. Hajun stopped in front of him, leaning over the counter with a smile. "Why are you in such a good mood? Did something happen?"

"No, nothing, just... happy to see you," Hajun said softly. Gunil frowned but didn't pay much attention to it. "I told Kazuha we're having a staff dinner tonight. Wanna come with?"

"Oh, anything for a free dinner," Gunil agreed, causing the two to laugh brightly. "I'll just get my things together and lock the backroom."

"No, it's fine — I'll do it," Hajun said, walking around the counter and putting his hands on Gunil's shoulders. "You have to learn to relax, baby."

"Baby? Hyung—"

"There's no one here, Gunil. Relax."

"B-but hyung—"

"Just call me Hajunnie like you usually do — what seems to be the problem?"

Gunil was quiet, fiddling with his fingers nervously. "You know why I can't do that. I don't... I don't want to..."

"You're allowed to, it's fine," Hajun assured the other, leaning over his shoulder. "Feel how you want. You shouldn't feel afraid anymore — okay?"

"I don't want to get attached to you," Gunil said quickly. "I... I can't—"

"Why not?" Hajun released Gunil's shoulders, sitting on the desk in front of him. "Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? Worried? You can talk to me, Gunil. I'm always here — as a friend, or deeper."

Gunil exhaled heavily, not knowing what to say. He looked up at Hajun, relaxing as he caught a glimpse of the other's playful gaze. "You always do this to me. You're so... I don't know. It's unfair what you do to me."

"What do I do to you?"

Gunil was quiet, wondering if he should speak up. "No, it's fine... let me just lock up for the night."

"Fine. I'll meet you outside, okay?"

"... okay."

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