thirty five

235 18 31

"Nice to meet you~!"

Jooyeon gave Seungmin a funny look before crossing his arms, looking at Seungmin with thinned eyes. "So you're the boyfriend, huh? You're the one he won't ever shut up about."

Jiseok yelped, trying to cover Jooyeon's mouth quickly. "Yah—!"

"I'm serious!" Jooyeon exclaimed suddenly as Jiseok clearly failed to cover his mouth. "He's all over you! I just knew he wasn't really angry when he was yelling to me the other day. He wouldn't choose you over me."

Jiseok made a face, hitting Jooyeon's arm. "Hey, don't say that..."

"Choose you?" Seungmin asked with a playful scoff. "You're just his friend. He literally chose me over you before."

"Well, I've known him longer!"

Jiseok watched as the two bickered childishly despite having met for the first time that day. Perhaps it was an upside to being an extrovert, but Jiseok didn't think that their childish antics would match up so quickly. He stepped between the two, laughing slightly as he faced Jooyeon. "Let's just head to Starlight, hm? I want to show you the place."

Seungmin and Jooyeon would get along quite well — Jiseok could tell because both had quite a playful sense of humour. They would amuse one another well enough to the point where Jooyeon wouldn't have to yell at either of them to choose one over the other — hopefully. A small conversation lofted between the two — talking about Jiseok, of course, and the shortest allowed them to communicate in order to form some type of friendship too.

"You know," Jooyeon piped up suddenly, "I didn't think that he would date anyone after what happened with Seokwoo, let alone sleep with someone. He must trust you a lot."

Jiseok looked at Seungmin with a childlike smile, putting his head on his shoulder. "He really is the one for me."

Jooyeon gagged, moving to step in between the two to create space between them. "Gross, leave some room for Jesus!"

The trio arrived at Starlight after a bit, opening the door to discover that it was practically empty. Seungmin put his board down, sliding off to one of the bowls. Jooyeon followed behind Jiseok rather awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Jiseok had his skateboard as well but didn't do anything yet just to be with Jooyeon.

"Jungsu!" Jiseok exclaimed, waving his hand at the couple sitting at the front desk. "I finally brought him, Su-yah. Jooyeon, you know Jungsu? This is his boyfriend, Hyeongjun."

"You too?" Jooyeon asked with widened eyes. "Just everyone is gay, huh? Nice to meet you, Hyeongjun."

The black-haired boy simply waved his hands, not knowing how to respond to Jooyeon's greeting. He looked at Jungsu, expecting him to communicate in place of him. "J-Jungsu..."

"It's nice to meet you, he wants to say," Jungsu explained with a small laugh. "Hyeongjun, don't be shy. I'm sure Jooyeon is 100% harmless."

"Yeah, I'm harmless," Jooyeon nodded, an empty smile on his lips. "Any friend of Jiseok is a friend of mine. Do you all skateboard?"

"Jungsu doesn't really board," Jiseok answered, shaking his head. "He just watches his boyfriend nearly eat shit every time he stumbles. I'd say he's about as good as you at skateboarding."

"Yah! I'll let you know, I try to be better so that Hyeongjun and I have something to bond over!" Jungsu exclaimed, crossing his arms. "And for the record, I'm not that bad. I'm good enough not to fall off the board, okay?"

"Hyeongjunnie," Jiseok said, patting the  tallest's head affectionately, " think we can borrow a board? Jooyeon said he wants to get into skateboarding so we can come here together more often after school."

Hyeongjun glanced at Jooyeon before pointing at his lonely skateboard propped up against a funbox. Jungsu laughed loudly, causing Hyeongjun to blush in embarrassment. "Why are you being so nervous?! Look, he's not gonna hurt you. He's Jiseok's friend."

Jooyeon looked at Jiseok in confusion, but the other had already moved to take Hyeongjun's board. "Come on, Jooyeon, I'll show you some tricks."

"Oh, okay." Jooyeon turned to the couple and dipped his head politely, seeing as he had yet to become familiar with them. He glanced at Hyeongjun and smiled, waving his hand in a friendly manner before walking over to Jiseok. "Nice to meet you, Hyeongjun."

Jungsu and Hyeongjun watched as the two friends went over to the far end of the park to the beginner course. Hyeongjun looked at Jungsu before putting his head down on the desk. "I messed up again, didn't I?"

"It doesn't matter, because you don't know him that well just yet," Jungsu assured, lifting Hyeongjun's head and gently kissing his forehead. "You did fine. Just tell me if you want to have a conversation with him, okay? He looks a little wild."

Hyeongjun nodded, still thinking about the situation. "I'll try."

"I like his hair," Jungsu hummed. "Think we should go take turns braiding it for him? He's very pretty."

"Not as pretty as you," Hyeongjun said, looking up at the other with a smile. Jungsu hugged the other over his shoulders, gently touching his nose with his own. "I don't want to call other boys pretty while you exist. It feels wrong."

"Do you even know how beautiful your words are, baby?" Jungsu asked with a little laugh. "Thank you for making me feel so loved, Jjunnie. I couldn't have anyone better."

"I do my best," Hyeongjun smiled, scrunching his nose as Jungsu placed another kiss against his forehead. "Do you think I should ask Jiseok's friend if he wants to join the junior class? It'll help with his basic skateboarding skills and he can take it from there."

"It's a start, isn't it?" Jungsu asked with a shrug. "You really want to be his friend, don't you? For someone that is practically nonverbal with strangers, you really want to be with people."

Hyeongjun nodded slightly. "Jooyeon said that any friend of Jiseok is a friend of his... and I kind of agree. I'm just scared of disappointing him."

"You're doing great, though," Jungsu smiled, pressing his head to Hyeongjun's. "The fact that you consciously want to make a new friend is... good. You wouldn't mind if I told Hajun, right?"

"... I guess not. Can you help me talk to Jooyeon — please?"

 Can you help me talk to Jooyeon — please?"

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[ this meme made me giggle ]

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