forty four

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"Still not answering, sweetie?"

Mrs Kwak placed an affectionate hand on her son's back, gently rubbing as Jiseok lowered his phone sadly. "He hasn't answered or read my messages, and he hadn't picked up any of my calls."

"Oh, I'm sure it's not you, sweetheart," she said softly. "Did you two fight recently? What's the last thing you two spoke about?"

Jiseok raised his phone, unlocking and scrolling upwards. "We, uhm... made arrangements for me to go over to his house and stay the night. He was supposed to pick me up, but I tried to ask him to rearrange because of exams, a-and... he hasn't picked up since. This was a week ago."

"Oh, goodness," she hummed, sitting down beside Jiseok on his bed. "Should we go check on him? Something must be wrong if he isn't communicating with you."

"He did say his father would be a bit of a problem," Jiseok noted, glancing at his mother. "Seungmin wouldn't... ignore me. Unless I did do something wrong - which I hope I didn't because I really like Seungmin and I don't want to break up with him."

"Sweetie, don't be dramatic - Seungmin wouldn't break up with you," Mrs Kwak laughed, shaking her head. "Seungmin has very deep feelings for you - I can see it. Look, we can... check up on him, hm? Tomorrow, when I come from work, we can go over to his house. Okay? Oh, darling, don't cry...!"

Mrs Kwak laughed slightly as she pulled Jiseok into a hug. The boy sobbed softly into her shoulder, hugging his mother tightly. "I miss him so much...!"

"I know you do, angel," she spoke softly to help him relax as she gently rubbed his back. "I know Seungmin means a lot to you. A week is a long time for you fresh lovers, since all you'd want at this point is to see each other every day. It's a bit late now, but we can go tomorrow, okay?"

Jiseok nodded, pouting slightly as his mother still laughed at him. "Don't laugh at me, my relationship is at stake!"

"Calm down, honey!"

"I'm trying!"

Seungmin took his headphones off, sighing as he looked at the time at the bottom of his laptop screen. The time ticked away until it struck 00:14. Seungmin pressed his lips together, quickly opening a new tab on Chrome and typing into the search bar. The Instagram login screen appeared and he quickly logged in, going straight to his DMs.

> meet me at the bridge
> i can't stand being here

Seungmin stared at the message for a moment until the green dot appeared below Jiseok's profile picture. Rather than reply, he abandoned the laptop and rummaged through his closet for a backpack. He tossed random clothes and underwear into the bag, zipping it closed and lifting it onto his back.

Seungmin glanced back at the laptop, seeing the messages Jiseok sent. He quietly closed the tab, closed the laptop and put it into the backpack with the charger before zipping it closed once more. He didn't have his phone, but he'd find some other way to communicate with people.

Seungmin opened his bedroom door, finding the house to be completely silent. He silently closed the door behind him, expertly navigating the darkness to make his way to the front door. He slipped on his favourite pair of sneakers, picked up another pair, and managed to squish it into his backpack before quietly opening the door.

Seungmin glanced back one last time as he heaved a soft sigh. He heard the door click closed, and he managed to leave the house. He lifted his hood over his head, heart thumping erratically in his chest. He was running away from home. It felt weird, but truthfully exciting. He didn't want to be at home, and he'd take any opportunity to leave.

Seungmin eventually came to the bridge he and Jiseok usually met when these things happened. He had been walking for ten minutes, and he felt the greatest relief as he saw the boy he hadn't seen in over a week. Jiseok stood staring out at the flowing water below him, barely noticing as the taller walked towards him.

"Long time no see."

Jiseok turned to face him, gasping in surprise and shock all the same. Seungmin smiled, holding his arms open as Jiseok ran into him, immediately letting out sobs and cries into his chest. Seungmin hugged him close, gently running a hand through his shirt as he tried to hold back his own tears. Jiseok wasn't always emotional, and to watch him cry really hurt.

"I missed you so much...!"

"You have no idea how painful it was to be without you," Seungmin muttered, gently patting Jiseok's head. "God, I missed you. I missed... this. Everything."

"W-where were you?!" Jiseok suddenly exclaimed, pulling from the other's hold. "I thought you hated me! I thought you wanted to break up! I-I... I thought...-"

"Hey, don't ever think that." Seungmin cupped Jiseok's cheeks in his hands, gently wiping his tears with his thumb. "I couldn't ever leave you, okay? You mean a lot to me, and to get rid of you would be like getting rid of a part of myself. I just had complications at home and I couldn't... see you. I'm so sorry, baby. Will you forgive me?"

Jiseok nodded immediately as he sniffled. "Of course I'll forgive you, Seungminnie. Now please, come home with me. We can talk at home, okay?"

"I have a lot to tell you," Seungmin began, "but I'd rather leave it for tomorrow. I want to sleep stress-free tonight." Seungmin smiled as he pressed a soft kiss to Jiseok's nose. "You really missed me, huh? I've never seen you like this..."

"I hate being seen like this," Jiseok muttered, sniffling softly. "Don't tell anyone you saw me cry. I don't like being perceived as emotionally weak."

"You're right," Seungmin smiled as he placed their foreheads together. "I'm the only one allowed to see you in such a pretty state."

"... let's go home, Seungminnie."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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