Chapter VII

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Many lives had been taken away by the Whitefall Hills, its reputation had not been built on fake stories and the fear everyone felt thinking about crossing this dreadful place was not misplaced. The small team of warriors had been lucky to have a very peaceful journey through those mountains. Yet, even if the distance left was short they were not out of trouble.

They all knew that despite the scary appearance of the snowy cliffs, it was not the biggest threat surrounding them. The threat was not coming from living creatures either, since a life in this dangerous environment had never been considered by anyone. Every one remained silent, no one would say it but they were aware and focused on the great risk they were taking. Actually, what was most dangerous in between the mountains were the frozen lakes running through the Whitefalls Valleys.

As harmless as a lake could seem, those frozen lakes had gained dangerousness through time. Too many had not considered being careful while walking on them and their foolishness had led them to their death.

Even if Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Therlos were no fools, crossing the biggest one of the valleys was the first and only step that endangered their lives in their Whitefall Hills journey. In the silent space the cliffs were offering away from any sign of life they all walked watching their steps. But sometimes no caution could be enough to prevent the ice from breaking.

And it happened. Right beneath Aragorn's feet. He had remained at the back of the group and the noise of the ice made the rest of them turn around to check on their companion. No water had reached his clothes yet, he simply had stopped any of his moves and looked at them with worried yet courageous eyes. Aragorn could see a small breach in the ice layer under his foot, he was wondering how to reach a safer ground without falling in the cold water that could stop his heart.

But his thinking did not last long before an even louder noise filled the place. A huge octopus-like monster broke what he was so careful not to break and jumped out of the water a few steps behind the king. In a helpless alarm, Aragorn did not waste any time looking at the rest of the group and his hand was already grabbing one of his weapons.

Not far from him, the two elves and the dwarf saw Aragorn's ankle being caught by one of the enormous tentacles of the monster. And before they could even react to the attack, their friend and the monster had disappeared under the now moving waters.

With a natural instinct, Legolas took off his coat and jumped head first towards the shadow which Aragorn had suddenly disappeared in.

Quietness had seemed to be back around Gimli and Therlos but they were well aware of the fight the ice was preventing them to see. Full of courage and devotion, Gimli tried to run and follow his friends in the coldness but Therlos prevented him and stopped any move that could have dragged them in the water too. "Gimli!" The young elf made the dwarf listen around them and it was clear the ice had just gained weakness. They both could hear cracking noises from afar and Gimli was grateful for his companion's wiseness. "They are both great warriors, Middle earth does not need us to endanger our lives too. I am most worried for King's Aragorn, he does not have the same abilities to resist temperatures as Elves." His eyes landed on the dwarf next to him. "And the same goes for you, Gimli."

"You do not seem aware of the heat filling dwarves' mines and forges." The time was getting longer and neither Aragorn or Legolas had made surface. Gimli wanted to use his axe and help them so he could not actually care less about proving an elf he could be wrong.

"I trust you but believe me, you do not want to be in those waters. Do not put your life at risk now." Therlos was not letting his guard down about the ice beneath them and tried to find the best move to make as he looked everywhere else.

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