Chapter XI

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It had already been a long time since Pippin went back to his house but it did not really feel like home anymore. So many bad things happened and he could not see the world go back to the way it used to be. Everyday he remembered the atrocities he had seen and he wished he had never been a witness of it all.

He also wondered about the others. The young hobbit had not talked to anyone else that had lived the same things as him. Even if everything had ended, his mind could not forget it and he struggled to find rest.

In fact, he had spoken to Merry. But he knew their words were nothing but excuses not to talk about what they went through together. The lack of truth between them tore them apart slowly and everything turned cold since then.

Pippin was enjoying dinner with his family when he heard about the Prince of Mirkwood's death. It was no secret that Gondor was on the verge of war and as much as Pippin had tried to remain in denial, the tragic news made reality hit him all of a sudden.

Merry had been the one to announce it to the other young hobbit. He had crashed into the small house and yelled it without greeting his friend's family.

In the shadows of the events, the two of them had been brought back together. They had lost a friend and despite the distance they had with Legolas it still hurt them. They spent the following night together sharing their old memories of the elf. It was not easy to speak about it but to them it was the best thing they could do to honour his memory.

Naturally they spent the next day together. Yet, even if it was not a joyful day as they used to spend together, they both were grateful for it. They ended up sharing their knowledge of Middle-Earth's new war. Merry had a certain motivation to go back to Rivendell and help as much as they could. Many could have said it was out of fear but Pippin was not ashamed to be against the idea. It was not the long journey to get there that was scaring him but only the lack of help they had to offer. So, he only said that Aragorn was exactly with the people he needed. To which Merry answered with hurtful words about Legolas' death before leaving to some other place.

It was actually a good thing Merry left because Pippin had nothing else to say. Despite what he believed, he did not feel better after spending time with his friend. He sat for a moment in the forest and could not stop thinking about his last adventure. Strangely, he was contemplating one of the rare things he had enjoyed about it. Travelling.

He needed to see new places again. But this time he wished to enjoy it without the fear of dying every time he woke up.

So he did.

He packed a few things and left alone for new landscapes to look at.

Maybe he had not expected to be away for days but he kept enjoying his journey more and more. If he could have chosen he would have made it last longer. But as he was carefully collecting mushrooms, he saw what would be the end of his peaceful trip.

In what seemed to be the most beautiful place he had ever seen, Pippin got distracted by something he could not clearly see from afar. The closer he got the more he hoped it was not what he thought it was. But it became obvious. The body of a dead Elf was lying in the middle of an empty field and the hobbit stopped walking when he understood.

He did not move as he chose to remain unsure of what he was seeing. He could not think about anything else but Legolas. He refused to know who was truly lying in front of him but in his confusion destiny did not grant him denial.

In fact, the only thing he was granted with was a weird feeling of wonder and relief.

The elf was not dead.

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