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Middle-Earth's Final Battle had been over for almost a month and everyone had seen war and hate leave with it. Saruman's wild ambitions were caged for eternity, taking all the evil with him in his prison. And as it was now time for peace, the king of Gondor had to honour the payment for the victory. Every battle had shown that peace should never be considered achieved as it was designed to be weak yet cherished. Today, a union had to be sealed to make it stronger. Elves and Men were to be forever linked and become a power no one would dare to challenge.

The reason why Aragorn did not smile that day was something he kept to himself but it did not mean he was not joyful. And, as he saw his golden clothes shine in the mirror, he knew the gold was smiling for him. In the calm atmosphere that only the outside wind disturbed, the king did not move when Arwen's reflection appeared behind him. She delicately placed a heavy necklace around Aragorn's neck. This kind of jewellery was often used for major royal events. Kings and Queens had worn this particular necklace for victory celebrations or meetings with prestigious hosts, but most of the time it was for their wedding. Aragorn was proud to be one to wear it, yet its significance was heavy on his mind.

As soon as it was carefully tied, Arwen's hands softly scrubbed Aragorn's shoulders and down his arms. When she did, her eyes met his in the mirror and she contemplated his expressionless appearance. For a short instant, they looked at each other silently and Aragorn eventually smiled before he spoke. "You are beautiful, Arwen."

"Thank you." They both tried to understand what the other was thinking and Arwen was first to say it out loud. "Today may be important for everyone, it means that families can be united again and it is a sign of a brighter future. But, it is even more important for you, Aragorn. Doubts will always be on your path, no matter how confident your heart feels. What you are about to do is one more proof that you deserve nothing more than to be our king. Are you ready?"

"I have been ready since the day your father gave his blessing." Aragorn instantly looked down. He did not want Arwen to see how confused he was. No matter how many times she said that it was absolutely natural, he still felt ashamed. "We have talked about it for so long, without expecting it to really happen. And now, even if it is not exactly how we wanted it, I am scared that we are not doing it for the right reasons."

As Arwen took a deep breath, she made Aragorn turn around so she could look at him directly. "Does it make you happy?"

"Yes, it does." Finally, Aragorn let his smile appear on his face and it had never been more sincere. "I could not be happier. This is the right thing to do."

The gracious elf could not hold back her joyful expression as she received the king's positive energy. "It is the right thing to do. But for who?"

"For the kingdom and, most of all, for me."

"Then, no one can take it away from you. Not even yourself."


Night was slowly falling on Gondor and the sun was not reaching the windows of Minas Tirith anymore. Yet, the Great Hall had never been brighter. Talented elves had created beauty for the special event and everyone waiting for the king to arrive could not stop being captivated by what they saw. After all the horror they had witnessed during the war, the light felt like a peaceful dream they had not dared to have.

Right behind the closed doors, Aragorn was glad to have Arwen holding his arm. He physically and mentally felt her support and his worries were finally gone. By the time the tall doors opened, he was not scared to make his way in front of the most important people of Middle-Earth. He stepped into the room and followed the long red carpet leading to a beautiful arch. The king slowly walked as he knew Arwen and he were the subject of everyone's attention but he could not care less. Today was a day of celebration and victory and all he felt was pride. He had led so many lives to peace and now, even if no one was aware of it, he was unofficially making something for himself.

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