Chapter XII

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The heavenly castle of Rivendell had this ability to remain lightful as soon as the moon got high in the sky. On full-moon days, the balconies were known to be as bright as they could get during Autumn's days. The energy the moon was sending that night created a sweet glow around where Gandalf was standing. His eyes were travelling over the far horizon that revealed more things than some of his old books.

Sometimes the wizard doubted his reasons for taking part in events such as the war falling upon them. But each time he felt the same feeling he had in his heart as he waited for Aragorn to join him; destiny was holding him in between its thin fingers and he could not escape it without losing his purpose. Maybe he had chosen to remain a puppet to life's plans but at least he was worth living in Middle-Earth.

Despite the small night bleeze, Gandalf still knew exactly when the king finally found himself behind him. "Aragorn."

As he knew Gandalf had acknowledged his presence, Aragorn stepped closer to him and stilled when he had reached the end of the balcony too. "Last time we were here, everything was so sheer... I wish I could have seen its meaning sooner."

The two of them remained in the fresh air, staring at the night sky. For a moment, Aragorn could feel a certain tension that Gandalf was fighting against. As if he did not dare to break the small peace surrounding them because of what he had in his mind. "If I only wished to speak about the past, I would not have called you out under the cold moon. Our future is falling under the pressure of war's atrocities and only what we do now can grant us a different path."

"We also have an idea of what those actions we need to focus on are, and without the errors of our past we would not have gotten it in the first place." Aragorn felt the coldness of the atmosphere hit his neck as he spoke but he also felt reluctant to the words Gandalf had brought with him. "I need to know, Gandalf. I understand that a hobbit can be confused about what took place before his own eyes, but do not make me believe that a wizard like you does not hold the answers. I have lost too much for nothing. The ring is still in Therlos' hands, I need you to give me something I can use."

"You are right and Legolas, whom I am most certain your concern is about, is indeed alive. But his life is more than ever hanging by a thread." To Aragorn it was anything but a relief to hear what Gandalf had discovered. He did not expect the situation to be transparent but at least he had dared to hope he would get some happiness from it. So, in the clear night he simply listened to Gandalf expend his agony. "As well as him, Saruman was weakened by his injuries. He required a host body that needed him and now owes him a longer life. It is not Legolas that stood up from his death bed in the fields of Rivora but only Saruman operating through his features. Do not hear me wrong, Legolas still is in there somewhere but his way out of the wizard's powerful spell will not be uncomplicated."

"So everything I promised during that meeting was in fact a hopeless project that was ruled by delusion. We will never win against him and I will watch loyal men die because of something I wanted to be untrue." Aragorn's anger against himself had quickly got the best of him and took over any faith he still had in his heart. "I may not deserve him, but Legolas does deserve a better story to tell about his glorious life."

"Aragorn, your hopeless project has revealed itself to be wiser than anything else. In his master move, Saruman made a mistake. As I said, it will not be effortless for the elvish prince to win back control, but he is no coward when it comes to battle." As much as words allowed, Gandalf worked on bringing back the reckless warrior that used to stand before him, but he could see none of what he was expressing relieved Aragorn from his misery. "He is in Rivora, Aragorn." But the wizard was no fool. He knew the mere thought of seeing the elf again would make Aragorn get up and fight for what he cherished.

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