Chapter VIII

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As the sun led the day to its end, they finally could see Rivora appear in the landscape ahead. They arrived many days later than what was planned but the group was complete, no one had been left behind and it was a great accomplishment. Despite having many things left unsaid, Aragorn had joined them back easily after their argument and a good rest had let it vanish away from people's minds.

Now that the night had started to settle itself over Rivora, the small group of travellers decided to meet its inhabitant with a fresh mind the next morning. So for the last time before reaching their destination, they started a campfire and relaxed around a small meal.

Sleep slowly took over them and the air had never been so cold. Aragorn's clothes had dried a long time ago but he still felt the coldness of the water that once surrounded him. As he heard everyone fall asleep around him, the king struggled to find rest. The wind kept waking him up and he missed the coat he had lost in the waters of Whitefall Hills.

But it did not last long before he shivered for the last time. He did not move when he heard Legolas walk closer and cover him with his own coat. The king did not remember the first time he did it after getting him out of the water but this time he felt it and it brought warth to his heart. Not only because elvish clothes were well-made but because the elf had not shown any other sign of affection since he had told him to leave.

Legolas was very gentle and precautious in his way of wrapping the piece of cloth around Aragorn's arms. And if the king had been asleep he knew it would not have woken him up. But Aragorn was well aware of the gesture and appreciated it more than Legolas could ever know.

He was also aware that Legolas left the camp right after it. His departure became the only reason why rest could not find the king once the coldness was gone. He stayed up waiting for him to come back but he never did and the king decided to go check up on him himself. When he got up the wind directly hit him as the coat fell off his shoulders so he made sure to put it back on correctly before moving further.

After walking in the forest around the camp, he finally saw him. Legolas had chosen to sit next to a pretty and small waterfall surrounded by beautiful trees. His hair was carefully placed behind his shoulders so they would not fall on the paper he currently was writing on. Aragorn could see his struggle to write as he only used one of his legs as support. He admired the peace he seemed to be in and did not want to interrupt it. Yet, he did. Only because he was worried when he noticed Legolas' sad eyes and shaking hands. Whatever was happening, it was not comfortable and Aragorn wanted to be there for him.

He cautiously walked towards Legolas and made sure to reveal his presence. Aragorn was surprised to see that Legolas had not heard him sooner and he brutally looked up when the king's voice broke the silence. "May I ask what this letter is about? And why is it keeping you awake?"

As Legolas discreetly closed the paper, Aragorn got closer and silently asked for permission to sit next to him. Legolas smiled when he saw his coat still laying on Aragorn's back and for a second it seemed like everything had remained the same. "I am still a prince with duties to accomplish."

With the proximity, Aragorn's suspicions were confirmed and he sadly read the lies Legolas' face exposed. "Are you unhappy with those duties?"

"Duties are never a question of happiness, Aragorn. But no, I am devoted to my people and it does not bother me. Never."

"I admire that of you." Aragorn had not missed how the elf prevented him from seeing anything written on the dry paper and all the hints made him choose confrontation over denial. If Legolas made clear that he just needed someone to enjoy the silence with, Aragorn would respect it but he needed to try first. "Legolas, why are you hiding what is hurting you?"

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