Chapter XVI

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It had been many years since Legolas took a step away from his title and duties. Despite the many opportunities, the elf had not once looked back to his choice and felt regret. He did not value gold or privileges, all he needed was the freedom he had gained. But most of all, Legolas liked to remember he had not really lost anything when he left.

He had just found a last word to write on a thin paper when he concluded that it was not time to stop making decisions of that sort. He had not been able to settle his mind since the leaders had taken away the vengeance he graved. His freedom suddenly had felt meaningless and even if Aragorn was on their side, he would not accept it. He felt used and betrayed and as he knew Saruman had taken advantage of many others, he could not be more sure of his choice. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, he will be the first to catch it.

But before he could fight any battles, he needed to know more. No one else was better for this kind of request than Gandalf. The wizard had remained strangely quiet when everyone disagreed with Legolas' choice and it led the elf to believe he was not entirely against it. As he desperately needed to be the first to hear about Saruman and his next move, Legolas had to convince Gandalf to join his side. Then, the elven prince did not waste any second. He left the forest he had been resting in and made his way to Gondor's castle.

Little did he know that no matter how fast he rode, Aragorn and Elrond were already planning their attack and he could not stop it. In fact, they had been talking about it for some time already and despite Elrond's disapproval he had slowly become more and more convinced by Aragorn's determination.

Yet, the elf and the man still had many decisions to agree on. The one they were currently discussing was actually about Legolas. More than once Aragorn had made clear that he was strongly against his presence in the battle. Unfortunately, it was something Elrond was not going to accept and his choice was unflinching. "Aragorn, you are aware of this battle's risks. It would be nothing but a foolish move to leave one of our best assets behind. I hear you are more than willing to protect him but I will not let us lose everything we have built because you are blinded by it. Allow me to bring you to your senses."

Until now, Aragorn and Elrond had both remained focused and seated. But the lord's words had triggered something in the king's mind. He instantly got up and silently put himself on a higher level. "I am not a fool! I am a king, Elrond. When I make a choice I consider everything. Everything! Months ago I would have never decided to let him out, no matter how much I lo-" As much as Aragorn wished he could have said it, Elrond's eyes were too heavy on him. "No matter how much I care about him. But you forgot what happened to him!" As if it had hurt him to simply speak about it, Aragorn's voice drastically went back to its former calmness. "He is not the same now. I do not think he is such a great asset for this battle."

"Then be aware that he will never forgive you. You have already seen what it did to him during the meeting but he still has hope it will not be the final decision. As much as you care about him, he cares even more about his kin, his people and his world. Taking it away from him is not protecting him, Aragorn."

Without saying a word, Aragorn turned around and faced the closest window. As everything felt impossible Elrond and Aragorn both remained silent to listen to their thoughts. Many decisions were left unmade and this time again the elf brought up something else, letting the question with no answer. "When are we leaving?"

With his eyes still lost in the horizon, Aragorn answered. "As soon as possible. Get your army ready," Elrond got up and caught Aragorn's eyes when he finally turned around. "And do not say a word to Legolas."

But neither Elrond or Aragorn had time to leave the room. Gandalf suddenly stepped in and let his voice echo. "Do not gather your soldiers so quickly. There is something else we should do first."

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