Chapter Four: Helena

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Helena sat in the rocking chair in the nursery with Willow in her arms, she was about to fall asleep, hopefully this time will work, Helena tried for two hours now to get Willow asleep, she just won't go down for a nap despite being tired. Cypress had already fallen asleep in the car on the way home from Malpas park where they had spent the day running around. Amina had joined them, but they need to get some food in, so Amina held carry Cypress before going shopping. Theo had a job on at the moment, so he was away. It was just the four of them.

Helena thought every time Willow had fallen asleep, she would wake up the second Helena had placed her in her cot. Placing her in her carry cot seem to do the trick and saved Helena's arms, Willow slowly fell asleep. She slowly walked out the room grabbing the baby monitor on the way by, her hearing was excellent, but she felt safer carrying the small monitor in her hand.

Deciding to make a cup of tea for herself, Helena decided to take a seat just outside the back door. This was the first time Helena heard silence in days, someone was always making noise in this house, Cypress running around playing games with one of them, Willow crying when she wants something, or both making a sound when something went by like Cypress point out a butterfly in the garden and they all watch it for a while. Helena closed her eye for a moment, she hears the front door open.

"Hi Amina, back already what do you forget? I thought we went through everything before you left" Helena starts to walk towards the door. A royal guard of her grandmother stood there in full armour, a helmet covered their face, Helena couldn't recognise them.

"Hello, what's this about? What does my grandmother want? She can't be dead; you'll be in black if she was, and they would be someone from her council with you. Who sent you?"

The guard drew his weapon, a dagger. She thought she recognise it but didn't have the time to look closer at time. Hoping that Amina would come home soon, from here Helena tried to sent a message to her but knew that her power would not be able to reach Amina, not from this distance. How did they find her here, Theo had a hidden charm on the village so that they wouldn't find them. After the war, Theo didn't want anything to do with the royal family, so he left until he meets Helena, even then she didn't want anything to do with her family see the lasting effect of war and not being listen too, Helena left to help people who need it most. That's why they met, on holiday in Mexico.

Willow started to cry; Helena forgot about them for a second concentrating on the assassin in front of her. Theo would have place excellent protection on their room if they stayed there.

'Cypress, sweetie, lets play a game, lets play hide and seek you remember where daddy place the invisible cloaks in your room? Use it on Willow to hide her and you choose somewhere taking the other, and stay hidden in your room, I will find you'

Willow went silence, knowing that Cypress wouldn't leave her.

Helena started to back away from the assassin, thinking she could lead them away from the children, knowing the garden would help her if she could only get there. She couldn't control the earth; air was her element of choice but being Theo's soulmate, the garden would protect her as well. The assassin started to follow her

Checking every now and again that the assassin was following her as the garden started to come alive. The garden produce vines and started to tangle around the assassin, pinning them to the ground giving Helena enough time to escape back to the house. Back to the children

She enters the children's room, finding them through their outlines, Cypress had move Willow into the corner and place the cloaks over them.

"I've found you, how about we go out for dinner? Mummy can find us" Helena looks at Cypress, pulling off the cloak, smiling, he was looking over her shoulder.

It took her a moment before seeing it, a sword tip piece her heart. Tears fell from her face as the world faded away.


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