Chapter Eight: The First Mission

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Lucifer packs enough clothes for a couple of days, and enough food from the kitchen to survive for three years. The kitchen staff were more than happy to help him and help him store it. The kitchen staff seem to each have a small crush on him.

"You've got everything?" Florence looked at him "that's not enough clothes and too much food, the King and Queen are also taking food with them, you wouldn't stave with them, come on"

Florence took out a quarter of the food, still wanting Lucifer to have some food spare in case they get stuck in the middle of nowhere, put in more clothes some to keep him warm, some to help him cool and some extra underwear.

"There, you're all packed up" Florence zipped it up, and turn to him

"Thank you, Florence, are you really happy with the training?" Lucifer tried smiling at her, but the sadness fills his eyes, Florence could tell that Lucifer wants her to go with them.

"Yes, I am, you'll be fine with Willow and Cypress. They will need you, your skill to convince people to join a cause is excellent"

"I can't convince you to come with me"

"Because I can see through your lies"

They both chuckled, Dhu gifted Lucifer with many skills and taught Lucifer everything he knew. Lucifer keeps up his powers here and learns how to use nature to enhance his powers, Ellery and Matt help him. This was alongside training the recruits and studying old battle techniques with Matt. Florence would watch him from time to time, make sure that everyone was going to play nice.

Lucifer walks down the stair hovering over his suitcase instead of carrying it and place it with the others.

"Write to me, won't you?" Florence asks, "with a way to get hold of you?"

"I'll send as much information that I can, but I'll promise I'll write and promise not kill anyone before the second battle, I'll take a bird with me"

Willow and Cypress walk in, join Amina, Aeneas, Matt, Ellery and Morganna. This is when Lucifer and Florence notice the fourth bag.

"Who's joining us?" Lucifer looks around, thinking it would either be Matt or Ellery. At least they would have extra protection.

"I am," Amina said asking someone to argue with her

"Ok, why?" Florence asks

"That's what we are being asking," Matt said "we tried to convince her not too"

"I'm going, I'm trained in a lot of things don't worry, and I own the tent we'll be staying in and know how to control it"

"It was Theo's tent" Matt reminder Amina

"Do you know how to open and use it?" Amina defied Matt to explain it

"Not yet"

"Anyone else?"

They all shook their head in disagreement. Willow and Cypress never when camping with their dad, only stayed in hotels.

"I do but I don't fancy camping, it would kill my back" Aeneas said

"Ok then let's go"

"We are going to Europe first passed the mountain, the trolls will let us pass we can check on them as well, we going to the dwarves"

"You'll need this" Aeneas handed a necklace, a gold pendant with a skull in the centre, to Cypress "you'll need this Cypress, as the first-born son it will prove that you and Willow are the descendants of King Drayce and grant you access to the halls of the descendants of Lord Bhal"

"No, it has to be Willow," Lucifer said grabbing Cypress hand before he could take the chain.

"Why? Cypress is the firstborn" Willow said

"Firstborn to Theo yes but you are part of the bloodline" Lucifer explain "I've read the books about the war between King Drayce and the necromancers. Since Amina is not part of the Drayce's bloodline, the dwarf may not accept it as proof of loyalty or trust"

"And will they know? If I am not part of that bloodline" Cypress asks

"Take the coin then, proof me wrong" Lucifer said

Cypress took the coin and instantly drop it again, screaming in pain

"Cypress, pass me your hand" Willow asks, serval blisters appeared on his skin lucky not too deep, so Willow heal it

"What was that?" Willow turns to Lucifer, a small bit of angry fill her voice.

"Proof, Cypress isn't part of the same bloodline, try it Willow," Lucifer said

Willow picks it up, it didn't burn her, no heat whatsoever. Willow turned to her brother with apologetic looks on her face

"It's ok, wear it, I think we will face it throughout our reign, there will be something I can carry in the future and right now we need allies, and you need to wear it to do so" Cypress smile.

Willow place it around her neck, it felt heavier than it looked, she tucked it under her top.

"Let's go do you think we should write to them before going?" Willow said looking at Aeneas

"I'll write to them on your behalf as you leave, it will inform them of your arrival and to keep a lookout for your arrival as you don't know where they are and will be looking for them" Aeneas informs them "they will take my words as they will know of my connection to the royal family"

"Thank you, come on let's go," Lucifer said turning to Florence, hugging her

"Be safe" Florence whisper in his ear

"You too"

As they walk away, everyone waved and Morganna bark. Florence felt tears welling up in her eyes before she knew Lucifer would come back, even if he was injured, Dhu would bring him home but this time, she didn't know if they could protect him or if he would do something stupid and get himself killed. She wouldn't cope if she lost him.

"They will all be fine; the children have enough power between them to protect themselves and Amina is well train and powerful, she has been living long enough to our world to accept a small amount of magic that she can use but nothing we have, it's more like a child's imagination. Lucifer will be ok" Aeneas said still watching his grandchildren walk away.

"I suppose you have more to lose than I do, it's your grandchildren and ex daughter in law"

"And it's your brother leaving as well or someone you think of as a brother, now how about a cup of tea and some biscuits, I believe we have some chocolate ones somewhere, hopefully bourbon I like them, before going back to training and you can help write the letter the dwarves, I'll need someone to help me with spelling and the grammar, and with Amina gone, I think you can help me this time"

"Thank you, Aeneas, I'll be glad to help" Florence said as kindly as she could, trying not to worry about the madman she was following.

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