Chapter Twenty-Two: Elves

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Aeneas sat around a round wooden oak table, with various fruits, breads, meats, jams, crisps, and many dips provide by the kitchens. Aeneas had invited some of the elven Lords still in the castle for a lunch, they may not listen to his grandchildren, but they will listen to him, he knows their secrets. Aeneas found the document Theo told him about. The proof of the King and Queen of the Elves were in fact half sibling on their father's side. It is illegal, as part of common law among all races, it was agreed on eons ago amount all the leaders.

Six elves walk towards Aeneas

"Welcome, welcome, please take a seat" Aeneas smiles at them all, his arms open wide in a greeting indicating the chairs around him

"Where is your keeper? I thought he never left your side and why are we meeting with you not your grandchildren?" Lord Iris enquired looking around for Matt

"For this I don't need Matt to keep me in check, he is with my grandchildren studying, tell me where are the rest of the elves? Where did they run to after the Barron war?"

"As we have told your grandchildren, we don't know anything about the other elves"

Aeneas chuckle, he could tell that they underestimate him and his grandchildren. The elves always thought that they were above everyone including their distant cousin, Fae. Their arrogance cost them their lands.

"What is so funny?" Iris asks him

"You, even now, you think that you are above us, when I know full well your royal family isn't so pure, I know your King and Queen are half sibling, and I have the proof" Aeneas place the piece of paper on the table with the family tree on it, pour himself some tea and drank. Silence had fallen.

Each elf looks closely at the paper presented to them, not wanting to believe that Aeneas had it. When it fell into Lord Iris hands, he looks at it for a second then rip it up into small pieces.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? I have made other copies, just tell me where the elves are and we do not have to discuss this any further, it will not leave my lips. I will never tell my grandchildren if you tell me where they are"

"Why?" Iris looks at Aeneas, knowing that he was being serious with them

"The King and Queen are in the celestial forest. They have been for years along with elves, they never had children with each other it is part of their curse from the gods, their nephew of one of their brothers will inherit the throne" Lady Amber blurted out quickly.

"Your gods are cruel, aren't they? You have my sympathy's, you really do, how do we find them? The celestial forest is notorious hard to navigate as hard as the Baron's land without a proper guide." Aeneas raised his eyebrow hoping that she will tell him more, he knew one of the ladies would tell him

"We can lead you and your grandchildren if you want, please just keep our secret you must promise us here and now" Lady Amber spoke with a slight crack in her voice, Aeneas could sense the shame from all of them, Aeneas could see she was holding back tears in her eyes

"Of course, you have my word, as long as you lead us there safe and sound, in one piece alive and back again" Aeneas explain

Everyone looks at each other turn to look back at Aeneas and nodded.

"Thank you, now you will tell my grandchildren this and they will decide whether they go before or after the shapeshifters"

"The shapeshifter in the north?" Lord Iris picks up some grapes to eat, the others started to pick at the food closest to them.

"Yes, do you know any more about them? We can't find much about them"

"You will have to pass through the mountains to get to them, the birds there might be willing to help if you know how to talk to them, the last I heard they were in the main fishing village north as possible, have quite a community going up there"

"Come on you can explain all this to the King and Queen."

"What about the food?"

"They will use this again for our tea, I told our kitchen to do that"

After finding Willow, Cypress, Matt and Leysa on one of the tables with many different books around them. Lord Iris explains about the elves, excluding the reason they live there, and that they will lead them there when they are ready and how to possibly get to the shapeshifters.

"So where to first?" Cypress looks at his sister

"How quickly can you lead us to the other elves?" Willow turns on Iris

"One month to find them and another month back" Iris answered "if I can write to them"

"Well, if it will only take two months to the elves then that's where we should go. We could take several months trying to find the shapeshifters and we'll be no closer that we are now even if we can fly over the mountain" Willow said, "is there anything we should know about the elves before we leave?"

"No there isn't" Aeneas said "I'm coming this time; I can help talk to the elves"

"Get ready to leave in an hour, Lord Iris, please write to your king telling to expect us" Cypress explains, Iris and the other left quickly "Aeneas can I ask you a question?"

"Of course,"

"I can hear singing coming from those stairs what is it from?"

"Don't follow it whatever you do and just remember you are just as important as your sister, you have just the same amount of value as her but never ever follow that sound"

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