Chapter Twenty: Plans

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After several days of reading, they found some information on shapeshifters mostly about their discovery of their powers and their travels to north of the castle past the mountain troll as part of their advancement and space they need to control their powers. They left this world after they were stun for their power by everyone else.

"We don't have time to travel across of all the north lands, at least we had rumours of the dwarves lived in a forest and we could make our way quickly through them before" Willow said "Lucifer told us about the Patronus charm which we used to search for any sign for the dwarves"

"How did you know what to look for? We didn't have much information on the dwarves" Matt asks

"We didn't, we just hope for the best that the rumour was true about the forest. They found us they must have seen us before we knew what we were looking for"

"Do you think any in the castle will know about the shapeshifters?" Cypress asks them

"No, we can't keep relying on rumours in the castle, they left so long ago now that no one would remember" Matt said

"What about the dwarves?" Cypress said "the elders might remember something"

"Should we also invite them along?" Willow turns to Cypress

"Yeah, what harm can it do?"

"The elder dwarves may know something more about the shapeshifter but might be the same information that we have read" Aeneas said

They all left to go back to the castle and headed towards the dwarves' wings to find the elders their wing was part of the lower castle enjoying the warm of the earth coming through the walls.

"How far down did they settle?" Cypress said

"Where the fire burns the hottest" Matt said " it said dwarves were created by the gods they were made with flames in their blood"

"And they used to make weapons over a forge they are the best weapon makers in existences" Aeneas said

They knocked on the door and waited for an answer.


"Hi" Willow looked around seeing that everyone was here

"We want to ask you a few questions if you are feeling up to it" Cypress explain

"Ok what would you like to know?" Lord Tobias asks

"What do you know about shapeshifters?"

"Not much, I'm afraid, the last we heard they were nearly extinct they were hunted by your lot for more power, apparently their blood was powerful to put it in potions as a replacement for other animal blood"

"Matt, do you think we might some in storage?" Willow required

"We might, the potion master will know you think about a location spell?" Matt spoke

"No harm in asking them, a location spell might work or at least track down their offspring we would like you to come if you want too " Willow turn to Tobias

"I think I need to stay with my people for now, but I'll sent my best soldier to join you that the least we can do, if she is back from the hospital"

"If she injury, shouldn't she rest before going anywhere?"

"She not injured but I do want her back she is very important" Tobias explain

"Who is she?" Cypress asks

"It's my daughter, we couldn't have a son, and if I had any more children, it could have killed me as it was it almost kill me having Leysa she will take over from Tobias when he retires or dies" Brylee walk over to them.

"So why sent her? What happen if she died?" Amina asks

"And what if Willow or Cypress dies? There's the same risk for your children as there will be to mine" Brylee said "she will be happy to help, and she not injured she is checking on the soldiers"

"How about having some dinner? We can all meet there I'm starving" Willow suggested, Morganna meowed in agreement

The dining room table was filled with various meats, vegetables, vegan food, cheeses with biscuits and various pasta dishes every type of food of which you could think.

"This is amazing your grace, thank you" Lady Brylee turns to Willow

"You're welcome, the kitchen told me they were happy to do this, it mostly thing with a short life on so when I told them we need a feast they cheered and work fast please take a seat, will your daughter be long? I hope we gave her long enough to get ready"

"Yes, you did your majesty thank you" a woman just came in she was just shorter than Willow, wearing a black dress that hit the floor, a slit down one side showing a small danger on the side of her leg

"This is my daughter, Leysa, defender of dwarves" Lord Tobias held his arm out towards his daughter, everyone could see the pride on his and lady Brylee's face. Leysa curtsy to Willow and Cypress and they both curtsy and bow back in respect.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Leysa. Please let eat before the food gets cold" Willow smiled

They all sat around eating what they wanted and as much as they wanted. They all made small talk about their days and about various thing, Willow and Cypress enquiry after the injured dwarves and how they were finding their treatment here, Leysa inform them both that they were healing well and were enjoying the comfort of the caste, a couple of days, most will be back on their feet and ready to fight when they were called too.

"It will be months before a fight I think, I hope, back in your homelands I think we got a taste of what Dhu's new army can do" Cypress said

"From what I have read, it will take a blood moon for the army to be at full strength and not much will be able to stop them" Willow explains

"Did you see the person with Dhu? They were by Dhu side during the fight, they weren't arm or anything just watch" Leysa ask

"No, I didn't I'm sorry my lady" Cypress apology look around at anyone who might have "I saw Dhu for a second then I saw his army I didn't pay much attention to him"

"That ok your grace, I know what I saw it look like an elf from where I was stood"

"There was a rumour that there was an elven Lord protecting the army and is needed to control them, so if there is a way to get to them then we could control the army but like I said it was a rumour for eons ago" Aeneas said

"Is there anything else you know about the army?" Tobias asks

"No more than what has been explain I gave Willow and Cypress all the books I had on them"

"So, we are going to the elves next then?" Leysa look at Willow and Cypress "do we want to take some soldiers with us, just in case Dhu decides to attack them as well?"

"No one know exactly where the elves are, we knew that you return to Germany from rumours in the citadel but spent a long time looking for you all we know Dhu could have follow us there" Amina explain still helping herself to the food around her

"There are some elves here, but they don't know where the others went, we ask them, there are still some records we want to check to see if there's any information there, we doing it later on today we were thinking about the shapeshifters in the north, we have more documents on them here and their history" Cypress spoke

"Good idea" Leysa said

"I can't help you later, I have a meeting with a couple of people I can't get out of" Aeneas said

"What are you up too?" Amina asks trying to work him out and what he was thinking.

"Nothing to worry anyone about, it just with some elders that live here"

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