Chapter 2

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Rin's POV

She took a seat at the table across from me.  Sesshomaru tensed up, and was ready to protect me if needed.  I eyed both of them, and my hand that I wasn't using to eat with I placed over my stomach.  I got an uneasy feeling with her in the room, and now everything was making me sick.  I stopped eating and put my head in my hand that I was using to eat with, or use the chop sticks with anyways.

"Are you alright?"  She asked me, and I glared over at her.  "Fine, I don't care, you could drop dead and..."  She didn't finish what she was saying as Sesshomaru growled at her, and honestly it scared me a bit.

"You will not speak to her in such a way, do you understand!?"

"Alright, alright, you are turning into your father every day.  It hurts your mothers' heart."  She pretended to be hurt as she covered the place where her heart should be.

"Well that would require you to have a heart to begin with-mom."  I told her, the mom part being sarcastic.  She and sesshoamru eyed me.

"You are to never say that to me again."  She ordered me.

"Sure thing...Mom."  She stood from her seat, as her eyes began to turn pink.  "Right, that is a great idea, attack your sons', 'pregnant' mate. You really are stupid and heartless aren't you?"

She growled at me, her eyes turning red and her claws sharpening.  Why did I say those things? Why do I feel angrier than normal?  "You girl, will learn your place!"  She snarled at me. 

Sesshomaru put his hand on his mother's shoulder.  "You will do no such thing."

"This. This.  Girl, a human, must....."

"If you do anything to her, you lose me as a son.  Do you understand?"  He told her.  She seemed to think this over, and looked back down at me.

"Show some respect, girl!"  She snarled at me again before walking away.  I stood and walked to the bedroom, with Sesshomaru right behind me.  Once in our room he stood in front of me as soon as the door shut. 

"What was that?" 

"I don't know."  I told him, as I walked towards the bed to sit down.

"You.  Don't know, how do you not know?  She could have killed you only moments ago."  His voice rose and it frightened me a bit.

One hand on my forehead, trying to get a grip on myself, and my other on my stomach, I didn't feel good.  I stumbled, and I then felt Sesshomaru guiding me to the bed, holding onto my sides to keep me on my feet.  I sat on the bed and took slow deep breaths.  "I don't know what came over me, I was biting my tongue one minute knowing I shouldn't say anything, and then...."  I leaned forward a bit holding my stomach. 

"Rin???"  There was concern in his voice, as one hand went to my back, and the other came to rest on my stomach. 

I then took his hand and put it on my stomach.  I breathed slowly, and slowly I began to feel better.  I looked at Sesshomaru and then started laughing.  He raised an eyebrow at me.  "It wasn't me, it was the baby.   My emotions are all over the place, and the baby must have sensed it, that I was in trouble and the fact that I really do not like your mother.  Including that she doesn't like me."  I giggled and giggled and giggled.  Sesshomaru finally cracked a small smirk, and let out a low chuckle.  I looked at him.  "Well this is going to be fun." I told Sesshomaru, as my giggling died down. 

"You are going to be the death of me, both of you."  He told me as he began to caress my stomach.

"Sesshomaru don't say things like that to me."  I told him as my eyes began to fill with tears.

"Rin, no, no, no crying."  A few tears fell.  "Please don't do that, I am sorry... Hey come here."  He took me into his lap "I am sorry.  I am not going anywhere."  I cried into his shoulder, as he held me to him. 

"Being pregnant sucks."  I mumbled into his neck, my lips brushing against this skin.  He seemed to freeze at the comment that I had made.  "I mean, I can't do anything, I feel sick all of the time, and my emotions are driving me crazy, and you hardly even touch me, except for last night and this morning, but still.  You don't even let me cook my own food anymore, or anything.  I'm not even allowed to use my own magic, even just a little bit."

"Rin, I need you to calm down, before you make yourself sick."  He told me calmly.  He began to rub soothing circles on my back and it was helping, sort of.   "Rin, calm down."  I am trying you stupid demon.  I guess he heard that in his head too.  Ever since I have become pregnant it is easier to speak to each other, actually since I have healed.

"Sesshomaru?"  I asked him as a sob racked through my body.


"Why is it that it is easier for you to hear me?"

"Because of the fact that I gave you some of my blood to keep you alive, to keep both of you alive."

"Oh.  I guess that makes sense."  His hold on me loosened some, causing me to hold onto him even tighter.  "Don't.  Don't let go." 

"Shhh, I won't.  Now please calm down, this is not good for you or the pup."  I sighed, and tried to calm myself.  I pulled away slightly to place my lips to his.  We ever so slowly moved our lips in sync.  I could feel myself calming down.  Once I was okay I pulled away.  

"How long is she here for?"  I asked him sternly.

"That is what I am going to go find out."

"Well, what can I do?"

"Stay here."

"Of course, what else would you let me do?"  I said sarcastically.  

With that he kissed my forehead and left me here alone in the room.


So I am in love with 'Fire N Gold' by Bea Miller.  I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter.  The next chapter will be posted in about three days okay guys.  :)

Also you guys should try reading my other story 'The Alpha's Interesting Mate' you guys might really like it, and it would make me really, really happy.

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