Chapter 36

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It had been two days and Sesshomaru was finally healed. Today we leave to go get our son, and I was chomping at the bit, I needed to see him, hold him in my arms, to hear him laugh or make some sort of strange baby noise, I would even be happy to hear his cries: that is how much I miss him. The sun hasn't even risen in the sky yet and I am awake, waiting for my demon lover to awaken. Since his injuries he has needed sleep, so that his body would heal, and to heal faster than if he were awake.

Part of me wanted to wake him up already so that we could leave, but the other part of me wanted to let him sleep for a bit longer. He always seemed...cute...when he slept. Without thinking my hand found its way to his cheek and I couldn't help it when my body moved on its own to place my lips over his. With a gentle kiss to his lips, I thought about how I almost lost him, and I pulled away instantly: shaking my head to rid the images from my memory. Sesshomaru was covered in his own blood, with cuts all over his body and a large gash on his chest. His hair was all over the place and wild looking, it made him look more dangerous: like a wild animal. I remember that there was some sort of blue light surrounding him, when I asked him after the battle he had told me that it was Tenseiga, and that it was Tenseiga that had protected him at the last moment.

Flashback begins.

~ I ran to him as he began to fall to the ground with Bakusaiga in his hand. When his eyes began to close I thought he was leaving me, and I couldn't stop the tears that flowed from my eyes like a river. I held him in my arms as his body was too weak at the moment for him to hold himself up without almost coughing up blood. "Sesshomaru?!"

He didn't respond to me when I called his name, and his breathing wasn't right, it was too slow or non existent. "No, please don't leave me. Sesshomaru you listen to me right now. I need you, your son needs you." He was practically laying in my lap as I cradled him in my arms, to my chest, my hands on his face begging him to stay with me. "Please don't leave me." My voice broke as sobs began to wrack through my body. "I don't...I don't know if I can do this on my own. I don't know if I can control it...Sesshomaru what if I lose it with Seitarou in my arms, or if I can't recognize my own son??? Sesshomaru I need you, please...Please...Please..." I sounded so broken, and I could feel my heart breaking, shattering to pieces from within. My world was shattering around me, and I could feel the earth beginning to shake underneath; reality was becoming but a distant world to me. All of my memories of us rushed through my brain all at once, and it was overwhelming. Sobs turned into screams of my soul leaving me. "Sesshomaru, I can't do this without you." Resting my forehead upon his, I began to rock back and forth, willing him to wake up. Trying to hold onto him for as long as I could. I knew in the back of my mind that I had to leave to get our son, that I had to continue to fight for him. He needed me too, he would need me now more than ever. "I will take care of him, I promise." I whispered to Sesshomaru as I tried to convince myself to let him go. Though in my last attempt I began to slowly let my power flow into him, if he can do it for me, then I should be able to do the same for him too. I watched as nothing happened, and it wasn't fair. "Please, please, please." I begged for everything I was worth that this would work, for him to stay. "Come on." This has to work. "Sesshomaru?" I was breathless, and I was using too much power, I wasn't draining my power into him anymore, but my life. I could feel the world around me slipping, the world was spinning. "Se...Ssho...Maru." Was all I could manage, I had to stop, but I couldn't. He had to wake up. My mind was fuzzy feeling, and reality was only a distant dream.

"RIn Stop!" He sounded strong, or rather he sounded strong enough. He yanked my hand from his chest: which was allowing my being to flow into him. He caught my body before my head hit the ground, and I found the will to hold onto him as we now laid on our bedroom floor. Using the last of my energy I did it, I brought us back to safety of our four walls.~

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