𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐬

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we all thought that in the future years, our world will be as good as new.

that there'll be flying cars taking us to school or that everything will be made of titanium metal, strong enough to withstand even the most horrifying earthquakes to shake the earth.

sorry to burst your bubble, however, because these are nothing but a child's dream.

there are no flying cars, no good innovations, no one who holds the power of immortality- none of those. the world is still fucked, everyone is still the same and we're all slowly dying. but who gives a shit about that right now?

sure we have good fashion sense, good technology, but amidst all these materialistic things, we're killing the earth and everything around it- not like the government will do anything about it, it's been like that for the past few decades.

it's the year 2075, and goddamn is it boring.

like, you're still going to school when literally half of the earth is dying of global warming? and you teach students how to do maths instead of how to help prevent this darned situation? i mean, you have your priorities i guess but come on.

don't get him wrong, he's sort of grateful to still be going to school even if he's just one admission slip away from expulsion, but at least he can do basic maths right?

meet haitani rindou, the youngest of the infamous haitani brothers known for their brute strength and overall scary appearances to ever roam the school halls.

can you imagine how scared other students feel just by walking down the same staircase as these two? like, do they shit their pants or run away with their tails in between their legs, cowering in fear?

who knows, they don't know that because they're too unbothered to even look at them.

no one, even the teachers don't know why these two are still coming to school when they're clearly smart- they're just scared to deal with them, honestly.

but it is true that they're smart. haitani ran himself got ranked first during the exams and the same goes for his brother who ranked first in his own grades. though in all honesty, the two didn't even review for the tests and instead went around roppongi, beating people left and right.

not a great activity to begin with... but at least it's productive! sort of.

however, on this particular wednesday, the two of them decided to finally show up to class after being suspended for a week. although that was two weeks ago, they spent another week just lazing around because none of them wanted to go to school.

walking past gapping students, ran and rindou made their way down the halls to get to the cafeteria where they planned on spending their first period there. seeing as the older of the two had science and the youngest having english, they wanted to spare themselves from the boring discussions and just finish all the doriyakis in the canteen.

"i told you that we should've just went to the arcade."

"i'll be a bad brother if i don't force you to go to school now, won't i?" this caused rindou to roll his eyes at his annoying sibling, clicking his tongue as he buried his hands deeper in his uniform pockets to make himself look cooler.

it's a very dumb idea but it still works.

"says the one who threatened his math teacher to give him a passing grade."

the dual-hair colored male ignored the harsh glare that ran gave him and continued walking, not noticing a group of art students rushing in their direction.

"please excuse us-" too late. may their lives be spared as the props that the students were holding fell in front of the youngest haitani, managing to land a scrape on his cheek while every student in the hall with them stopped and looked at the commotion.

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now