𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬

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if there's anything that haitani ran loved most, it's rearranging the entire apartment for no reason at all.

i mean given that he also likes to play a handful of sports, and that his favorite past time is to beat up lowlife's along with his little brother- but on this particular saturday, the male felt the random need to rearrange their shared apartment.

typically, rindou would be in the living room, catching up on the episodes that he had missed on his favorite drama series. but he's currently out doing god knows what, leaving the older of the two all alone in their humble abode.

now, ran would never do this without a reason, you know? i mean, come on, do you really think that he likes shuffling heavy furniture's all day? no, of course not.

unless you're one of the dumbest people on this planet, then feel free to think about anything that you want.

why do you think he preferred rearranging things on this lovely saturday afternoon rather than laze around and wait for his brother to come back?

well, there's two things that can answer that question. one is that he wanted to take his mind off of someone whom he thought that he had forgotten- and the other is because said person is about to come over to do homework with rindou.

the reason behind why he's about to break his back doing all of this, is because of one person and one person only.

when was the last time that he had heard her name come out of someone else's lips?

was that during her failed resuscitation?

wait wait wait- hold on, failed resuscitation? what the hell is the author talking about? and isn't the timeline for this book held in the future? surely ran must've forgotten all about... the incident.

now, i want everyone to sit down whilst i briefly explain what's going on.

you see, my dear readers, this isn't the first time that the subject of spiritualism was launched world wide- it actually started back in the year 2055 when the president of japan wanted to be more high-tech, letting learners learn about the things that are outside of their control.

and one of which is the lesson of past lives.

it is out of our control as to who we are back then, out of our control of how we lived our lives. all we can do is to watch and learn from our mistakes, like any normal human being would do.

the haitani brother's school are one of the universities who made the subject of spiritualism a major subject, letting all of their students learn and connect to their inner core when they reached their first year of high school, which is rindou's year.

now, what has ran got to do with all of this? i though you probably figured it out by now, honestly.

as for haitani ran, he had taken his spiritualism classes two years ago- when he himself was fresh out of middle school.

which means, he had already figured out who he was back then- a man who was hung up over the death of a girl that he would've proudly called his.

it surprised the dual-hair colored male that the past him actually managed to snag a girl despite his reputation as one of the most feared delinquent all over tokyo, and it surprised him even more when he spent countless of hours trying to learn more about the damned subject.

ran was never the guy to sit down and endure an hour of another boring lesson when he could just copy off of his seatmate, never the person who'd take a subject or an assignment seriously.

but this... this changed his perspective of everything- well, most of it at least.

to see how his past self silently suffered in the sidelines, how the all-mighty ruler of roppongi broke down in front of that sterile-smelling room, that sparked something inside of him.

he took pity into the man that he was before. and even without really feeling the pain that he felt back then, he can sympathize with how painful it must've been to see the only person who treated you as human and not a fighting machine- gone.

so, spending his first two years of high school, he took it upon himself to search for the girl whom he had fallen in love with, and live a life that his past self would be more than happy to live in.

surely, if he and his brother we're reincarnated into this life, then that girl would be here too, right?

well, after spending those two years trying to find her, on the april of 2074, he had given up on looking for the person who once made his heart race like it's running some sort of marathon.

who was he kidding, she died earlier than he did- leaving a good decade or so between them before ran decided to follow her into the afterlife. if she died earlier than him, then she would've been reincarnated earlier than he did and is probably living her life out there being ten years older than him.

he was proven wrong, of course.

because apparently, she didn't get reincarnated earlier than him- but she also wasn't reincarnated the same time as he did.

for she got reincarnated two years after he did, following after his dear younger brother.

how he found out about her? he found out from the man himself, haitani rindou, who was either fortunate or unfortunate to be paired with her in an assignment that haitani ran did by himself when he was just a first year.

how foolish of the male, to spend the first two years if his high school life trying to find her when she was just actually the same grade as his brother.

and how foolish of him to think that he'd get to find her first.

the sound of the door opening reached his senses, making him stop moving the coffee table and looked up to see his brother and an all-too familiar face that he himself thought that he would need another lifetime to see.

"ran? are you moving things again? didn't you do that last week?" rindou asked, pushing his glasses up as he guided the female behind him inside of their apartment while holding onto a bag of groceries.

"i thought that this place needed some more renovation, no?" the male stood up straight, a small yet welcoming smile etching itself on his face as he walked to the two to greet them.

"welcome home. and who's this? got yourself a little crush?"

the girl beside his brother raised her fist up to her mouth to stifle her laughter, trying to hold it in as to not annoy the already annoyed haitani rindou whom she might or might've not accidentally pushed out of the way when she was getting chased by dogs.

rindou clicked his tongue, narrowing his eyes at his brother who merely stood there as he waited for him to introduce his little friend.

"fuck off." he placed a hand on the (h/c) haired girl and shoved her forwards, making her stumble over her feet until she was standing directly in front of haitani ran.

"you, meet my brother, haitani ran."

"you, meet my partner for that dumb project i told you about, l/n y/n."

haitani ran is a guy who always aimed to be at the top- whether it be academically or to be the top delinquent all over roppongi. he's a guy who won't settle for less, wouldn't settle for second place.

if someone were to take his spot from that golden throne of his, then they would automatically find themselves six-feet under.

but he can't do that, no.

because who would've thought that he lost to his own brother?

"nice to meet you, l/n."

the bitter taste of second place sits on the tip of his tongue- like a venomous substance waiting for him to swallow, to suffocate and suffer from the inside.

and just like that, he himself knew that he had lost.

"nice to meet you too, haitani."

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now