𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐚𝐳𝐳

392 20 14

she's an odd one- and that's a fact that haitani rindou etched in his own mind due to how many times he's seen her do stupid things and would always laugh it off.

honestly, what's wrong with her?

he knows that she's just an eccentric type of person- the literal human version of instant coffee based on how energetic she always is.

like right now, one wrong step and her face will kiss the rough concrete underneath her.

rindou would like to see himself as her official unofficial babysitter. because he's always there to stop her from doing things that would severely injure her, or even kill her.

not like he cares though, he'll always blame the people that he loathes so that they'll be sent to prison.

ah, smart- for fucks sake.

"will you stop moving- i swear to god i'll tape your feet on this damned board if you try and move again."

the two teenagers are hanging out at a random empty parking lot, just finished completing some items from her list, and is currently finishing one more to end the day.

oh, how the dual-hair colored male wished that they could've done this some other day, because teaching a clutz how to skate is just so exhausting.

l/n y/n let out a chuckle, holding a hand on her mouth as to muffle her laughter out as the other is holding onto his shoulders to keep her balance while rindou has his hands on her waist just in case she falls.

what were you saying about not caring if she gets hurt?

"okay okay but- how am i supposed to skate if i'm not moving?" seriously, this girl can't be that dumb to not figure out possible ways of skating without moving herself.

the haitani sucked in a breath, holding back the urge to just shove her away from him and leave her there.

it's surprising how much patience he's got for the (h/c) haired girl- surprising that he didn't just leave her ass in front of that district that day, he can always find himself a new partner.

"are you seriously dumb or are you naive? here- hold on." (e/c) eyes looked at his figure as the male made his way in front of her, back facing her as his hands stretched themselves, waiting for her to take them.

rindou looked behind him with a brow raised, wanting to end this sooner because he's not about to miss another episode of that one series that he's watching.

"well? hold my hands, i'll just have to drag you around."

"that's not skating-" she was cut off when he himself took her hands into his, making a noise of annoyance as he began walking around the parking lot.

"as long as you're on the damned board, then you're skating."

now, both sixteen year olds didn't know how to react to their current situation.

we have haitani rindou over here who's wondering to himself why he did that- better yet, why is he doing these things just for her sake when he can't even benefit anything from this?

then we have l/n y/n who's wondering why his palms are sweaty and why her heart feels heavy.

it's odd because it's not the type of heavy that means you're in love, no. but it's the type that screams of guilt- and she has no idea why she's feeling guilty.

but, if we're talking about their similarities, it's the fact that their cheeks are both red and their hearts are thumping in their chest.

now, the two of them would like to believe that what they're feeling is anything but what people call... love.

i mean, they could just be sick, you know?

they really are dumb to the point that they can't even tell what they're truly feeling- in denial because who would fall in love with a girl who works at a clinic and a guy who's a literal delinquent?

it's a pathetic sight, honestly.

silence enveloped the place as the two kept walking/skating in circles at a considerable pace, enjoying their time before they go home for the day.

y/n has a small smile on her face, feeling a bit fuzzy that this delinquent right in front of her is being kind enough to help her with a stupid list.

(e/c) eyes dazed out as her mind started to go blank, flashes of white can be seen as another memory is shown.

just as she expected, it's her past self and someone else, doing the exact same thing that she and rindou are doing right now.

it's still blurry, but she can make out the guy's features- his striking, purple eyes.

coincidentally, it reminded her of haitani rindou himself.

she can't hear what they were saying, but she knows that she was having fun with whoever this guy is in front of her.

the (h/c) haired girl was snapped back to reality when she felt her body lurch forward, arms outstretched in front of her as a way to soften her fall.

but, instead of meeting with the rough asphalt, she opened her eyes and say that she's inches away from actually crashing on the ground.

"this is why i told you to focus, right?" her eyes met with his purple ones, brows furrowed in disappointment at what just happened.

since she's still in a bit of a daze, she can't really think straight and decided to blurt out the first thing on her mind.

"it seems that i've fallen for you."

another wave of silence crashed down upon the two, both of them not saying anything as they stared into each other's eyes that's filled with shock.

did she just say that?

why would she say something as embarrassing as that just because his eyes reminded her of a person from her past?

from all she knows, he's the guy...


haitani rindou helped her up before turning away from her, wanting to cool down his hot cheeks to avoid unwanted eyes from seeing how much he got flustered for those simple words.

l/n y/n just stared at him with eyes slightly widened in realization, mouth parted as she tried piecing everything in her mind.

the adrenaline felt familiar when she first got on his motorcycle... she felt fuzzy when she was around him and- his eyes.

those same, purple eyes that she would always see whenever she wanted to see her past memories.

correct her if she's wrong, but is rindou the guy who completed her list in the past?

when he felt like he's calmed down, he decided that that's enough for tonight and turned to look at the girl to tell her that they're going home- only to meet with her ghostly expression.

now, this got him worried.

taking her shoulders into his hold, he gently shook her to try and gain her attention back, peering into her (e/c) eyes that began to gloss up with tears.

"what the- oi! are you okay?" the (h/c) haired girl looked at him with mixed emotions swirling in her irises, confusing the dual-hair colored male even more as a tear dropped from her eyes.

"... it's you."

"the boy from my memories- haitani rindou, it's you."

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now