𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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haitani rindou still thinks that past lives are nothing more but an illusion that brings pain to whoever dares to venture into the realm of visionary.

he doesn't believe in reincarnation or stuff like that even if he himself has seen a fraction of what his past self's life is like.

he doesn't believe in them- no.

but why does he believe in her words that he's the guy from her memories? it could be anyone with purple eyes like his, so why would she jump to the conclusion that it's him?

rindou and l/n y/n are seen sitting in front of her apartment building, talking about her latest memory to clear out any misunderstandings and to find out whether or not he really is the guy whom her past self cherished.

"i saw it, rin. he had purple eyes and- and they were doing the thing that we did."

"it could be anyone and just a coincidence- we're not sure yet." he replied, mind all over the place as silence dawned upon them.

yes, it could be nothing but mere coincidence, but at the same time- it's too coincidental to not be her and him.

there are billions of men around the world and half would probably have the same color of his eyes, making the chances of him being her past friend a one in a billion.

the (h/c) haired girl slowly nodded at his words, taking deep breaths in as she tried to calm herself down. not going to lie, it overwhelmed her when all her evidence pointed at the male- she's not going to get enough sleep tonight, that's for sure.

"yeah... you're right... a mere coincidence." she muttered, making rindou side-eye her as he himself sighed, eyes trailing up to the sky above them to see a blanket of pure darkness, no stars, and no moon.

just a sheet of black. nothing more, nothing less.

"i mean, it's good that you saw something, but there's no way that it's me who you saw."

he's right, you know?

but... everything- every little detail that she had collected from weeks of trying to complete this darned list, and all her feelings that she felt around him, it all connects and it is him.

she's so sure of it.

"... your past showed you a part where you and your brother were adults, no?" her question made the youngest haitani turn to her with his brows raised in confusion, looking at the concrete in front of him as he nodded.

"yeah, why?"

"and mine showed me when i was a teenager... because i died."

she didn't mean to be so unfiltered with her words, she just doesn't know how to say that 'hey, i didn't make it past twenty because i got shot at by cops.' yeah... it's hard to make up a decent sentence with that context.

"... what if you really were the guy from my memories- you were showed moments of when you're already an adult while mine stayed during my teenage years... isn't that a bit too coincidental?"

this made haitani rindou hum, now knowing what she means as he himself agrees with that theory. indeed, he wouldn't know if he's been with her in his past life because he wasn't shown memories from when he was a teen, so there's a strong possibility of that.

for fucks sake, everything is so all over the place right now.

eyes looked up to the sky when they felt something wet landed on their faces, hearing the soft pitter patters of the rain as it landed on the concrete in front of them.

this created some sort of white noise that luckily blocked all unnecessary thoughts from her mind, putting her at ease as y/n closed her eyes and basked into the feeling of the rain showering down on her.

purple eyes looked at her now relaxed figure, calculating all possibilities that he played a major role in her past life before doing anything.

the ambiance is now nothing but just pure serenity, not one of them speaking up in fear that it'll ruin the calm environment.

that was until the bar in front of them started blasting their music out loud, catching their attention as the tune finally reached their ears.

another wave of nausea dropped down onto her, mind showing her the familiar white flashes as her vision is then invaded with lights and... rain?

however, unlike her usual memories where they're all replays- she can now move her head around and check her surroundings, having control over her memory as she began investigating.

from what she can see, they're at an amusement park, the people around them dancing to the same song that the bar is blasting as her eyes focused themselves at the guy in front of her.

it's the same, blurry face that she oh-so wanted to slap. for heaven's sake, just show who you are and give the poor girl some peace, will you?

just... who are you?

those same, purple eyes and- is that blond and blue hair?

"oi- for fucks sake, don't zone out here, wait until you're inside."

l/n y/n snapped out of her little trip to memory lane as haitani rindou flicked her on the forehead, preparing to give her a piece of his mind for being too careless.

"what if i'm not here and you zone out? do you know what can happen to you?" a chuckle made its way past her lips, giving the male a small smile as she stood up, holding her hand in front of his face as rindou just stared at it in confusion.

"the song is about to end- why not end this day with a dance?"

she never fails to amuse him, really. from her countless dangerous ideas to being a literal dumb ass- she amuses him to the point that he wants to stay close to her in every chance that he gets.

he doesn't understand why, but there's just this feeling on her that just makes him feel more alive- surprisingly, even more alive than when he's out on the streets doing his usual delinquent duties.

maybe he really is the guy from her memories.

and maybe that's why his heart thumps loudly in his chest whenever she's around. because it knows that they've been together in the past, and is happy that they're finally reconciling again.

so, taking her hand in his, he stood up and let her guide themselves to the center of the road- a dangerous thing to do but no one cares at this point, there are no cars passing by anyways.

eye to eye, hand in hand, the two of them danced underneath the weeping sky as the same lullaby that once held a certain memory vanished into thin air, restarting as it made a new one with another.

though, the sky isn't weeping for them no- if not, it's happy that they're falling into the depths of love.

no, it's weeping for the guy who's hiding behind the building across from them, watching the two teenagers dance carelessly in the rain even though the music finally stopped.

in that one place, there are many things going around.

one is the two, naive brats who're still getting drenched in the rain- and one eighteen year old who has a smile on his face.

"heh, i knew you two would make a good pair."

haitani ran chuckled, shaking his head as he began walking back towards where he parked his motorcycle, kicking pebbles away from him as his mind began clouding up with memories.

sullen, purple eyes stared down at the concrete below, not knowing how to react as the rain continues to cry for him.

"you better protect her with your life, rin. the heavens aren't giving out second chances."

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now