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"why're you following me?"

"we should start on our homework, should we not?"

haitani rindou didn't know why this creature is following him- why is she following him? the assignment isn't due until the end of the school year, so why is she getting all so worked up in starting a homework that they can do next month?

if the male knew that it would be like this, he wouldn't have had attended the class to begin with. stupid visions- they're not even real!

letting out a groan, he turned around and gave the (h/c) haired female a look, one that screams 'if you don't stop now, i will not hesitate to punch you' type of glare. though, y/n gave him no good reaction, just standing there with a hand looped around her bag like she wasn't given his infamous death glare.

"look, the assignment to that damned class isn't due until the end of the year, we can start next month." he said, tired of her following him all around like a kicked puppy- people are starting to stare!

"well, i'll be busy for the next couple of months, so it's best that we start on our outlines now rather than wait when we're both booked." she does have a valid point, the low lives around the area aren't going to beat themselves up, you know?

rindou weighed his options right in front of him. if they were to do the homework next month, then he wouldn't be able to beat up thugs along with his brother. though, if they were to start now, he'll have more time into getting his fists all bloodied up- he's choosing the second option, obviously.

i mean, it'll also shake her off his trail for the rest of the school year, so it's a win-win for everyone. she gets to start on that damned project of hers, and he'll be free happily beating delinquents for the upcoming months.

the dual-hair colored male let out a hum of faux thought, putting a finger on his chin as he prolonged on his 'thinking'.

"yeah, sure. we can start now." he doesn't know how she does it, but she managed to light up in front of him like a damned light bulb- is that even physically possible?

y/n had a grin on her face, eyes crinkling in delight as she began shuffling something out of her bag pack that caused his curiosity to lightly peak. the (h/c) haired girl pulled out a glossy piece of paper with something scribbled on it, shoving the paper to the males chest that caused him to let out a small 'oof'.

looking down, purple eyes read the numbers written on it with an amused grin beginning to stretch on his face.

"your number?"

"we can't start the project if you don't know my basic contact information, right?"

she's got a point yet again. did you really expect to finish a project if you don't have your partners number, rindou?

of course he knows how important exchanging contact information is with your partner, it's a darned given that doesn't need to be reminded. it just caught him off guard how straightforward this girl is, it's like she doesn't even have a filter!

she's entertaining, in his opinion. maybe starting this project earlier isn't a bad thing?

"we can start tomorrow. just text me your address details and we can do it in your place." this made rindou stop and look at her with his brows raised in confusion. no one told him that they're going to his place- why did no one tell him they're using his place for this shitty assignment?

"hold on, my place?" he asked, receiving a nod from the (h/c) haired girl who zipped her bag back up.

"yup. my place isn't that... ideal. so your place would have to do."

honestly, what?

first of all, this girl asks him to start an assignment that isn't due in a long time, then she tells him that they're going to use his house to do this? the audacity of this girl, really.

"wait- why does it have to be my place? oi, don't walk away from me." y/n gave him an half-assed peace sign, grinning as she began walking down the hallway to the direction of the clinic.

"you really wouldn't want to do homework in my place. plus, i'll be doing majority of this project, all you need to do is offer your house as our work place and we're good to go." the afternoon bell rang loudly, signaling the end of the day as the clinic worker walked away from him, leaving a very confused and annoyed rindou behind.

"come pick me up tomorrow afternoon in front of the clinic- i'll be waiting!"

and with that, purple eyes watched as the (h/c) haired girl disappeared when she turned the corner. the dual-hair colored male let out a sign, pinching the bridge of his nose as it took everything in him to not run after her and punch the living daylights out of her.

you call it abuse, he calls it equality. don't punch people in real life though, or the author and her chicken will hunt you down and feed you to the pile.

"you look constipated, everything good?" rindou looked up and saw his brother, haitani ran, standing there with his bag slung over his shoulders. the older of the two had a sleepy look in his eyes, just getting out of math class and made his way over to where his brother is.

"yeah, just the usual." the paper in his hand caught the attention of the taller male, an amused smile etching itself on his face as he teasingly shoved his brother to the side.

"i see that you've finally gotten a girls number. who's the unlucky lady?" it took every self-restraint inside of him to not choke his beloved older brother to death, sighing as he shoved the glossy paper down the depths of his pockets.

"it's no one in particular. just that chick from the clinic, she's my partner for a homework for that stupid subject i told you about yesterday."

the two brothers began walking out of the hallway and down the stairs, shoving past poor students and made their way to the shoe lockers at the front of the campus.

"ooo, did you get her name?" ran knows that it isn't his business who his younger brother is paired with, but it's just shocking to him because he was actually paired with a girl- now he's gotta know who this poor unfortunate soul is.

rindou slammed his shoe locker shut, giving the older of the two that same look that he had given her as ran let out a laugh, walking out of the school building behind his brother.

hidden deep inside of haitani rindou's pockets, is a picture of a certain (h/c) haired girl with her fingers up doing the infamous peace signs, her number written in bold with her name neatly written behind the photo.

"her name is y/n- l/n y/n."

and at that moment, someone wished that they were deaf to not hear him mention that name.

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now