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he really doesn't know why he's still there by her side- has no clue why he can't just turn back this bike around and go home for the day.

but no, he just couldn't.

for whatever fucked up reason his mind came up with, he believed that there is something at the end of this so-called 'journey', that would benefit him.

he doesn't know what, or why- but... he can just feel it.

but hey, he's gotta admit that this little adventure of theirs is kind of amusing- not the type of amusement that he would feel whenever he's out on the streets of roppongi, beating people up left and right- no.

it's a different kind of intoxication that would instantly pull you up to cloud nine, the kind that he'd most definitely get addicted to- a kind of drug that only he has access to.

living your life in a strict routine can be boring because trust me, it really is.

imagine waking up at seven in the morning sharp, go to school using the same route that you've been walking through for the previous years- and repeat the same cycle for three-hundred and sixty-five days.

gets pretty bland, no?

so, to free him from this cycle of blandness, he needs an enigma.

someone who can bring him the same amount of adrenaline- but in a different way.

a form of a surprise that he wouldn't expect.

haitani rindou just got what he's wishing for, received from the heaven's itself, he finally has an enigma to brighten up his life.

though, it's not by the form of an object- no.

it's l/n y/n.

at first, the youngest of the haitani brothers just saw her as someone who works at the school's clinic for extra credit- and to walk out of the classroom whenever she wanted and would reason out that she's needed at the clinic.

but... being paired with her, there's actually something much more into this girl than he had thought.

maybe that's why he stayed- curious to see who she was in her past life and what changed in this life. are they the same? or is one dumb and the other smart?

oh come on, haitani, we all know the answer to that, don't we?

i mean, you don't, but your brother does.

she's like a bomb, waiting to explode at the right moment- something that would set the entire city on fire if her timer runs out.

"yo, haitani, we should definitely go there."

purple eyes trailed to where she was pointing at, immediately seeing the big and bright carnival that's taking place here in roppongi itself.

actually, this is the first time that a carnival went to their city- they were mostly stationed in yokohama where people, no matter the age, would travel just to have some bit of fun.

haitani rindou has never been to one, never had the time or money to travel up to yokohama just to spend more money on rides and food that he can just make at home.

"why? we don't have any money." he said, revving his motorcycle as he drove through the streets of tokyo with no specific topic in mind.

his reply seemed to make the (h/c) haired girl pout, seeing her disappointed figure through the side mirrors as he tried not to laugh at how pathetically cute she's looking.

"but... i really wanted to ride that thingy that i saw on the television."

"what the fuck is that 'thingy'? carnivals have a shit ton of rides, so be more specific."

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now