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"so, they're still blurred?"

"pretty much, yeah."

it's been three weeks since the assignment has been assigned, three weeks since the two of them have been going around tokyo trying to find some clues in order to at least bring clarity to her memories.

now, no one is going to call their efforts useless, no. even though l/n y/n still can't see her memories that clearly, the clues or whatever they have collected is sort of enough to piece together what happened in her past.

the two of them are seen sitting crisscrossed on the floor of haitani rindou's living room, the pieces of evidence sitting in the middle as they tried to make sense of her past.

"so... we have a worn-out bucket list, a frog plush and... yeah that's all we have."

well... maybe those three weeks really were wasted.

rindou wanted to slap himself right then and there, letting out a groan of annoyance as he glared at the paper that's in front of him, wanting to burn it along with his hopes of passing this damned class.

the list doesn't make sense- like, what're they supposed to do? and let's not talk about how he's still disgusted with her cute frog plush even if it went through the washing machine five times already.

"what if we burn the list-"

"not in my house, no." darn it, another attempt to arson, ruined because of this glasses-wearing delinquent in front of her.

y/n boredly stared at the bucket list, chin resting on top of her frog plush as her eyes narrowed, trying to get answers out of the list like it's alive.

an idea suddenly appeared in her mind, brightening up as she snatched the paper from the floor, surprising the dual-hair colored male who only looked at her as if she's crazy.

"what if we complete the list?" she said, looking at him while waving the paper around, making rindou narrow his eyes at him even more, wondering whether he should call the mental hospital or not.

the (h/c) haired girl can sense his reluctance and doubt, rolling her eyes as she focused her attention on the worn-out piece of paper.

"i mean- it does say 'rewrite this before he comes to pick you up', making this paper the original copy."

"of course there'll only be a few things crossed out on this list, because she already completed everything in her new copy."

now... that does make sense, he can give her that.

just because a few things were crossed out doesn't mean her past self hasn't completed it- everything is slowly piecing together in haitani rindou's mind, eyes widening in realization as he snatched the paper away from her.

"and if we complete the list- your memories will not be blurry anymore- we can pass the fucking homework on time!"

the two of them cheered like children, praising the decade's-old paper as they immediately started discussing what to do first.

"it doesn't matter in which order we do it- because as long as it triggers something, then that's enough."

"though... some of your lists are kind of, hmmm- impossible to complete for mere sixteen year olds."

the youngest of the haitani brothers skimmed through her past list, brows raising in wonder at how odd some of these things are.

he guesses that nothing really has changed between past y/n and present y/n- she's still dumb and energetic, fucking hooray i guess.

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now