𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐬

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why is it that when you fall in love with someone and they leave you, the first thing you say is 'i'll wait another lifetime to be with you once more'?

why can't it be 'see you again next time.'? because promising that in your next life, you'll meet again- there's a one in a billion chance that that will come true.

true, you may see each other again, but you'll see each other in the arms of someone else- another person who sees the smile that was once meant for you and you only, who gets to embrace the body that you once and still praise to this day as if they were sculpted by michelangelo.

those hands that used to enclose yours on a rainy, sunday afternoon- all gone with your promises that in your next life, it will still be you and her.

maybe the saying is nothing but an illusion to those who haven't moved on from the loss of someone great, doesn't know how to cope with the fact that no- there'll never be you and her because you only get one chance, and that's now.

so, if you think that you'll end up together, then go to your nearest bar and drown your sorrows in liquor.

it's possible to love them, yes, but can you handle loving them whilst watching them fall in love with another? if you say yes, then you're just setting yourself up for a suicide bombing.

because once they exchange their vows, you know it's game over.

haitani ran, why can't you move on?

to answer a question as simple as that takes a bit of thinking, don't you think? i mean, it's pretty obvious why he's still hung up on her- but he's just hurting himself at this point.

filling his mind with mere fantasies that he, yes he, will be the one who'll marry her. that l/n y/n, the girl who worked at the clinic, will be his all over again.

but, those fantasies would always dissipate once he enters his house, hearing the sounds of her mindless banter with his brother.

ah, how can he forget, she's not his in this life, no.

to see her like she was before- talking about raiding the nearest family mart or even setting the neighbors garage on fire, it takes him back to when she was actually his.

the world is too cruel to those who only wanted to love- though failed in the hands of fate.

though, fate isn't a saint as we all think it is. because this thing that we once thought brought luck to people, is also the reason why some are hurting to this day.

fate takes its unknowing victims and stuffs them into the game room like they're a bunch of horses waiting to be betted on.

that is how cruel the world is when you enter it with your heart on your sleeve.

like it or hate it, we'll all feel it soon- because everyone is a part of this cruel race to the finish line of 'forever'.

"oi, why're you just standing there with the coffee table blocking the way?"

ran was snapped out of his daydreaming, seeing his beloved little brother standing in front of him with his brows raised in confusion.

it wasn't like haitani rindou isn't used to his brother moving things around the room, no. but today is just... different. he's not acting like himself, not singing along to the radio, and would always stare off over yonder like he's possed or something.

not gonna lie, it's freaking him a little bit.

the dual-hair colored male gave his brother a grin, putting the coffee table down as he wiped his hands on his pants.

"sorry for that one, i was just wondering where to put this table, that's all."

"and... you're going to place it in front of the front door?"

looking around, it seems that only now has ran realized that he's actually standing in front of the front door with the coffee table at hand like a fucking lunatic.

god, he really does need sleep.

letting out a sheepish chuckle, the male rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to word out a half-assed reason that he had pulled out from the void of reasons.

then, he finally noticed the outfit that his brother is wearing, deciding to change the topic away from him as he cleared his throat.

"let's not talk about that- where are you going?"

rindou looked down at his outfit, a bit reluctant to go out like this- and mind you, he's never reluctant into going out wearing nothing but his jeans and sweater, until now.

the sixteen year old is pretty confident about his appearance, i mean, have you seen him? so it was kind of a change when he looked at himself in the mirror and thought 'hmm, maybe i should change?'.

the blush on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by his older brother as ran chuckled, leaning against the wall with a teasing grin on his face as he raised a brow towards the male.

"i'm assuming that it's y/n?"

"shut the fuck up- we're just going out to complete that stupid list of hers, that's all."

ah, there it is again, another reminder that even in this life, he'll always be in second place despite being the oldest between the two.

fucking great.

"what happened to 'she's just my partner for this dumb project, nothing else'?" rindou rolled his eyes at his brother, crossing his arms as he glared at him while ran merely laughed his stare off.

"she has a shitty memory, might as well do this so that we can finally start on writing our story. by the way, can we see yours for inspiration?"

the youngest of the two looked at his brother, waiting for his word as he noticed the far-off daze that's swirling in his irises.

seriously, what's wrong with his brother today?

"hmm? my project? the teacher will keep it when you submit it- something about keeping privacy or whatever." ran shrugged, head motioning towards the door as he silently signaled his brother to get on his merry way.

"i'll help you guys when you have enough pieces to put together. now go, you don't want to keep your lady waiting." he's blessed with the ability to dodge things in a flash, a laugh making its way up to his throat as he dodged another one of his brother's flying slippers.

"don't be an asshole."

purple eyes that once held nothing but violence watched his brother put his shoes on, noticing the subtle smile and blush that's on his face that he wishes he can feel once more.

rindou turned around after checking himself one last time on the mirror, waving his brother goodbye as he opened the door.

"i'll be home by eleven."

"alright, have fun."

now, i'll ask you again.

haitani ran, why can't you move on.

a low chuckle left past his lips as he now notices and realizes that he's all alone inside of this damned apartment, sitting down next to the table with his head hung low.

"just give me a chance to marry her... even for a second that's all i need."

as much as i want to be kind and give him a chance, we all know that fate and love don't work the way that we want it to- we aren't cupid to decide who falls in love with who.

i deeply apologize, but you'll have to wait in line again to bet your chances with her.

𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲. - 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {✓}Where stories live. Discover now